Example sentences of "find [pers pn] [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One by one they came , and we on board Viking found it possible to grab their long shaggy fleeces and hoist them over the gunwale .
2 She wanted desperately to confide in someone about this , but once again found it impossible to find anyone suitable her mother was too distraught , her father was dead , and she could not bring herself to mention it to Miriam for fear of provoking some too blunt observations on the mysterious workings of a lady 's insides .
3 He has recalled drily that as a schoolboy he found it easy to get his own way .
4 He found it hard to understand what all the fuss was about , what possible pleasure there could be in waving a stick about for hours , catching nothing .
5 If there was anything she could n't cope with herself she would ask Mossy Rooney , a man of such silence and discretion that he found it hard to reveal his own name in case it might incriminate someone .
6 Yet Morse 's mind was never more fertile than when faced with some apparently insuperable obstacle , and even now he found it difficult to abandon his earlier , sweet hypothesis about the murder of Theodore Kemp .
7 He had not returned any fulsome gratitude to his staff for all the work they had put in during the day ; but he always found it difficult to express his deeper feelings .
8 He found it difficult to accept his own failings .
9 Poor Annie was not to know that Hilary found it difficult to understand her broad moorland dialect .
10 One new salesman at DPR Futures proved so ineffectual and lethargic that his colleagues found it comical to teach him wide techniques .
11 He read through his first paragraph — after years of novel-writing he found it easier to put it all in the third person .
12 The student found it easier to curb his own aggressive feelings to John when he defined John 's anger as a partial manifestation of anxiety .
13 Open learning is suitable for many people : for the interested housewife ; for people working full or part-time with horses ; for those working in other industries who are keen on horses ; for people who are about to embark on courses at colleges or training centres , helping them to prepare for what lies ahead ; to update knowledge ; or for experienced competitive horse owners or weekly riders — in fact anyone who finds it impractical to pursue their equestrian education by conventional means .
14 Strachan on song is a familiar sound this season , so much so that Howard Wilkinson confesses he finds it difficult to say something new about his club captain .
15 ‘ My grandmother finds it difficult to show her true feelings . ’
16 It is on this point , that the ordinary member of the public and , it is suspected , the average police officer finds it difficult to equate his own perception of the offence of taking without consent with the strictures placed upon the courts by legislation . ’
17 She sensed that , even in contesting her decision to make use of the Lodge , her father had found it impossible to speak his full revulsion for the place .
18 For example , my own Confession , Eastern Orthodoxy , has not found it easy to translate its great liturgical and spiritual treasures from rural and primitive existence to the urban and sophisticated life of modernity .
19 But in truth she 'd found it difficult to sustain her patronising English mix of prurience and pity very long .
20 FERGIE may have found it difficult to learn Her Royal Lessons , but you do n't have to be a fitness connoisseur to see that she has learned a thing or two about keeping in Of course her title of the Disappearing Duchess takes on a different meaning now a year ago it referred to her ability to lose five stones of regal flab .
21 We find it useful to have someone available as a stock figure to represent or stand for certain kinds of person .
22 Well once I 've got you know once I 've got the shape of the story in my mind I can it down in an hour or so every time you know it 's in long hand , then it takes me hours to type it but er you know the actual once I 've got the idea I I find it necessary to get it all down you know in long hand as quickly as possible .
23 Most people find it hard to say what Labour stands for at the moment .
24 In that case , Lord Denning M.R. said that the ‘ severe financial hardship ’ condition , applying to courts of first instance only , should not be construed so as ‘ to exclude people of modest income or modest capital who find it hard to bear their own costs .
25 There is such volubility I find it hard to follow what some people are saying , and they make no compromises for non-native speakers .
26 Virginia Bottomley , Minister for Health , has announced that some people on low incomes who also find it difficult to visit their local opticians will be able to get help from the NHS to pay for the optician to visit them at home .
27 But some find it difficult to treat their grown-up children as people in their own right , entitled to plan their own lives .
28 Because the flow stress of glass is very high at room temperature and because glass is very susceptible to fracture by the spread of cracks , glass , and materials like it , nearly always fracture in the familiar brittle manner and we find it difficult to imagine anything different happening .
29 However , I find it difficult to keep them clean .
30 The Commissioner feels that trade union members sometimes find it difficult to accept her limited role and that they would like to see her resolve a wide range of problems .
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