Example sentences of "man who have [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She answered an advert in a lonely hearts column and started an affair with this man who had stated in the ad that he was a good looking 43-year-old bachelor , comfortably off , with car .
2 She had danced with a man who had danced with a girl , who had danced with the Prince of Wales .
3 Suddenly Hari thought of the man who had escaped from the prison , he was the same sort as Emily Grenfell , no doubt before he fell from grace they would have met and socialized .
4 The young man who had peered over the rampart to see this extraordinary collection of scarecrows was known to more than one of the garrison of Krishnapur , for he was none other than that Lieutenant Stapleton who had danced so often with Louise in Calcutta the previous cold season and who had been given a lock of blonde curls as a keepsake ; he had made a point of wearing this lock of hair next to the rather wispy blond hair that grew on his own chest .
5 The constable was soon joined by his colleagues and between them they obtained detailed descriptions of the man who had dashed from the direction of the bakery .
6 He portrayed himself as victim of imperialism , as a man who had suffered in the struggle against colonial rule , but who would not let it beat him .
7 Employing a night watchman was the solution to his problem , and so without delay Jack was sent to see the wharf manager , who felt that the sprightly-looking man who had served on the Khyber Pass would suit admirably .
8 In England a man who had served as a royal official might end as an earl , as did Henry I 's trusted adviser Aubrey de Vere .
9 Diane exchanged a couple of words and a smile with a young man who had emerged from a side door carrying a clipboard and what looked like a litre bottle of clear water .
10 The tall black man who had emerged from the Lincoln was dressed in a dark blue three-piece suit that looked incongruously heavy for such a hot day .
11 He tried to keep his eyes off the little man who had emerged from the ship .
12 The Leader , following in the track of the horses , went some paces ahead scanning the forest on either side ; behind him followed Hugh , walking close by Marian 's side ; still further back , together but with the width of the track between them , were Michael and the thin man ; and bringing up the rear was Crane , the young man who had run after the horses .
13 I did n't realize Farouk … ’ she trailed off when she saw Graham and Laidlaw both look past her , their eyes riveted on the man who had appeared in the doorway .
14 John Lewis , the man who had complained about the effect of financial cuts on safety at Lowermoor , was the only person to be sacked as a result of the incident .
15 Proudly holding his RFC logbook , in which is a section headed ‘ Rendcomb ’ — here was a man who had flown from the aerodrome not for recreation and a sense of history , but to ready himself and others for war .
16 Harry Agg , the old man who had helped on the farm for very many years , was still employed there , but he did little more than potter , his main duties being to clean out the stables and cowshed .
17 They had brought tales with them from England of witchcraft and the King 's concern ; an Essex man who had come with the Hopewell on the return voyage recalled how when he was a child , a pricker was calling on all the households of the nearby villages to discover the sources of a murrain on the flocks .
18 Her ultimate choice was surprising , for Philippe Le Bas was the son of a man who had sat in the Convention of 1793 and who had never renounced the republican ethos in which his father had brought him up .
19 The man who had sat in the front passenger-seat leant down and grabbed the girl 's arm , dragged her through the dirt towards the car and pushed her in .
20 The voice that could reach with ease to the upper gallery of the Shield Theatre sounded in the Holborn drawing-room , calling attention to the silent young man who had arrived with the Professor but so far had not said a word .
21 We had recently begun to shelter a young man who had deserted from the Italian army in the south and had somehow managed , with the help of various Italians whom he met on the way , to reach Fontanellato .
22 She glanced at Conrad whose head was near the hatch where she was working and , sure enough , he had transferred his attention from her cat to the young man who had melted into the rocking-chair ; his expression was quieter , more thoughtful .
23 The man who had read off the crime informed the crowd that the execution should begin .
24 From Guy 's came a friend and colleague of Dr Barnard , a man who had worked with the Chief Explosives Officer of the Met on many cases and had formed a close professional relationship .
25 He was an elderly man who had worked on the river all his life and regarded his present job as something of a rest on the way to full retirement .
26 ‘ I used the only fact I had about the man who had dealt with the News of the World .
27 Again he was the charming young man who had knocked at the door just ten minutes earlier .
28 The Rectory children were being confined with difficulty in the pew beneath a brass plate Alexandra could not read without a pang , commemorating a young man who had died in the Charge of the Light Brigade , nearly sixty years ago , when he was only 22 , her own age .
29 I was going to finish there without saying any more because i cant be arsed writing , but basically there is a rich business man who has remained in the background because he dislikes Howard.Once Howard leaves , the money should come rolling in , or so the story goes .
30 The saint is the man who has withdrawn from the rough-and-tumble world of everyday living .
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