Example sentences of "because [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I set off again , maintaining for some reason — perhaps because I expected further farm creatures to wander across my path — my slow speed of before .
2 Actually , on stage it 's also mixed because I put one Fender cab on top and a Marshall cab on the bottom and then a Marshall cab on top and a Fender cab on the bottom .
3 Because I done extra metal work for three years right ?
4 Chairman Mao insisted on re-education : ‘ He said that despite our intellectual development , we still had dirty minds which must be cleansed by contact with true working classes — lucky again , because I learned much folk music from my colleagues .
5 you see I moved a bit more now but and I I 've still got good hearing er apart from this ear here , this ear , I ca n't hear so well , quite so well , this side , you see so I always have to say excuse me while I , hang on while I turn off the television , you see , and then they have to wait a minute till I turn it off and then what I do is because I have this phone extension put in
6 ‘ But mainly because I believe this present Northern Ireland team is capable of hitting the glory trail again . ’
7 Ironically because you know French public opinion was very hostile to that intervention .
8 Sharon : ‘ Because you serve better cof fee . ’
9 Something like that , trying to remember now what it was , sixteen hundred , sixteen hundred that was it and it says your credit limit is sixteen , sixteen , you could spend up to sixteen hundred pounds , whether you got it or not you can spend it , so we said if we 're gon na get this computer because you get these Air Miles out of it , you know , every ten pounds you get an Air Mile , well if he 's getting a computer over a thousand pounds you know with all the paraphernalia that goes with it , well that 's a lot of Air Miles there , well we said we 'll get it through Access , but there is n't , our credit limit on Access is n't enough to pay for the computer , sixteen hundred it 's more than sixteen hundred , in , in the long , once he 's got his printer and God knows what you know , so I phoned them up and he said erm is it possible to adjust the limit upwards ?
10 I remember you telling me that you were really proud of ‘ Rust Of Peace ’ because you played one rhythm track to Dave 's two on every track , and he is one of the best players of his ilk in he world .
11 Because you see that surface water , it was only surface water , because when that boat was drifting there was an awful lot of movement .
12 Now the sides of the hold and the , the chains used go down , they did n't have wires they had chains go down and with a big ring on the top and then when you 'd the door out , knock the pin out and the door would drop down the mud and cos the ship would come up because she got two side tanks on er a tank each side to bring the ship out of the water .
13 She has set up her own training school because she found conventional training schemes offered no scope for the kind of message she wants to get across .
14 Because she possessed this eldritch beauty so briefly each week , it was almost shocking .
15 Because she has mild heart disease , she may serve her whole sentence in the medical facility .
16 Because she has this afternoon job , she must get through her own work in the mornings ; but she gets her work done in the mornings in order to create time for a job .
17 She has even formed her own film and video group because she finds most training films ‘ a yawn a minute ’ .
18 We watch television and video 's , we go shopping , we do all sorts of things together , because we like each others company .
19 Right well we call it an intro leaflet because we like misleading agenda items mostly .
20 Some coloured children in this school are getting bad because of the way they get treated , and they make out as if we 're just doing it because we get low examination grades so we start getting bad with the teachers .
21 You 'll need two of these because we want two O Hs to go with those two O Hs .
22 a a neater way to do it because we want this sine omega T.
23 But Philip Pearson of the independent Low Pay Unit said : ‘ It 's because we have lower pay rates AND less productivity .
24 While all firms have income and retained earnings statements similar to these tables , it is possible for two identical firms with identical cash flows to end up with different reported earnings because they use different accounting conventions .
25 The changes in n3 and n6 polyunsaturated fatty acid profile found in inflammatory bowel disease may be of relevance in the pathogenesis of the disease because they influence either tissue eicosanoid synthesis and the membrane lipid composition of the immunocompetent cells .
26 Because they had large paw marks , came the answer .
27 Shiu 's assessment ( this volume ) , the ‘ Chelsea Diagnostic Mathematics Tests ’ and the written test used in the Denvir and Brown study ( 1987 ) which were discussed under the heading ‘ Diagnostic assessment ’ are all , when used without individual interviews , examples of formative assessment and carried out before teaching , because they indicate suitable starting points .
28 Nearly ten years ago , in CD 's infancy , I was writing that most CD players sound like poor quality amplifiers , not least because they contain poor quality amplifier circuits , and little seems to have changed in the interim .
29 THis is because they contain special matting agents , which cause the varnishes to dry with an irregular surface , so that light is reflected at random angles .
30 Then the thousand or so readers of a few imported fashion magazines ( which it seemed would be prohibited because they contained foreign tobacco advertisements ) momentarily rallied key support from the free speech lobby .
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