Example sentences of "one would [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No one would want to swap the full-length Blue Velvet , Raging Bull or Dead Ringers for the three-minute version .
2 Yet no one would want to describe the Third Reich as a democracy .
3 The simple truth is that if the British withdrew this country would become an economic wasteland and whether there is a Catholic voting majority at some point in the future or not there will not be a united Ireland as no one would want to pay the enormous costs involved .
4 If he ended up with a taste for feudalism and aristocracy it was because he believed that the old paternalism was better than the inhuman gulf between ‘ classes ’ — ‘ One would wish to see the rich mingle with the poor as much as may be upon a footing of fraternal equality . ’
5 ‘ The old fuel cells were self supporting , ’ explained Dick 's mechanic , Nick Quint , ‘ but to work on them , one would have to take the entire cell out of the fuselage .
6 To support manslaughter liability in these cases one would have to espouse the draconian principle that a person should be held liable for all the consequences of any wrongful act .
7 Before making more of this , however , one would need to see the original page to ascertain exactly what Molla Yegan says in his note .
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