Example sentences of "because he [vb -s] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 've protected his identity because he fears the sack for speaking out .
2 Because he has the word of assurance from God himself !
3 ‘ My guru has always been Raymond , because he has the skill of making women look beautiful .
4 Bridges ( 1979 ) certainly does n't think so because he sees the curriculum as a selection from culture requiring value judgements over which teachers have no monopoly of wisdom .
5 In his Life he made William X of Aquitaine protest against Louis 's meddling in the Auvergne , with the words : ‘ If the count of Auvergne has committed any fault , it is my duty to present him at your court on your order , because he holds the Auvergne of me as I hold it of you . ’
6 Or has the right hon. Gentleman changed his mind again because he wants the key to No. 10 ?
7 He has that selfishness — it 's not even an honest selfishness , because he puts the blame on life and then enjoys being selfish with a free conscience .
8 CONSERVATIVE candidate Paul Rayner has denied an allegation by Mehdi Husaini , chairman of the Cleveland Racial Equality Council , that he was bigoted because he supports the abolition of the Commission for Racial Equality .
9 Why should an applicant , who must in any event be prepared to satisfy the primary purpose test , be worse off because he contemplates the possibility of a relatively short stay in the UK than one who had the fixed intention of permanent UK residence ?
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