Example sentences of "because it [verb] [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The force within can also be manipulated through … Dieting , in which you are discouraged from eating meat because it provokes unhelpful vibrations and produces what might be called static interference in meditation .
2 The pancreas is vital for digesting food , because it produces digestive enzymes as well as the hormone insulin .
3 But the potency with which c-Myc induces apoptosis suggests that deregulated c-Myc expression by itself is likely to be lethal because it kills any cell that encounters growth-limiting conditions , an almost invariable outcome in vivo .
4 It did not worry about women 's invisibility precisely because it accepted prevailing views that politics should be left to men , that the proper forum for female participation is inevitably the family and that the main function of the politically competent woman is to socialise the children and to filter the needs of home and family into the political system .
5 Other patients give a negative skin-prick test but respond positively to an intradermal test ( see p 288 ) , which is more ‘ sensitive ’ because it uses more antigen and places it in a deeper layer of the skin .
6 Marx condemned capitalism because it frustrated human potential and self-actualization , but believed it was a necessary stage in human dialectical development .
7 Research evidence suggests that old-fashioned formal teaching of grammar had a negligible , or , because it replaced some instruction and practice in composition , even a harmful , effect on the development of original writing .
8 Temporary upsurges in militancy during the year , in particular around the question of British intervention in Russia and Ireland , provoked principled stands at national and local levels , not least because it deflected anti-Bolshevik propaganda that had been used consistently against Labour .
9 The ‘ democratic-participant ’ media theory is also the result of recent debates on media issues though this theory is ‘ difficult to formulate , partly because it lacks full legitimation and incorporation into media institutions and partly because some of its tenets are … to be found ’ elsewhere .
10 Skimmed milk is not suitable for the under-fives because it lacks important vitamins and energy-giving calories but semi-skimmed milk can be introduced from the age of two , if your child is eating a variety of foods .
11 He explained to me that it must be stronger because it contained stronger bonds and more of them than any previous material .
12 Because it portrays male dominance and , on occasion , male violence in a sexual context , porn , in this view , is far from being harmless smut .
13 that if we pass on some of your comments at the end of the section , maybe they 'll be able to arrange , maybe in two or three months time a visit that most of us can make , particularly those of you who missed it , because it is an important experience , but obviously quite difficult to arrange , because it involves real tenants and real people but we can pass that back , and I 'm sure the officers will consider it .
14 it has more explanatory power because it involves direct observation and can hence lead to remedies .
15 Wheat was favoured , not merely because of its immediate importance as a basic food , but because it demanded least capital and least care , even where it meant wretched cultivations : only one-tenth of the cereal secano was farmed in regular rotations of wheat and legumes ; a quarter was cultivated only once every six or ten years .
16 This suited me very well because it had large rooms and wide doors .
17 We have adopted it because it gives greater strength and dignity and fullness to the design .
18 The question is important because it gives some clue as to the likely rise in the long-run house price to income ratio ( because demand for housing has shifted upwards , while supply remains relatively constant ) .
19 Using a condom can help prevent both men and women getting infected by their partners in penetrative sex , because it prevents vaginal fluids or semen from getting into the other person 's body .
20 Mothers welcomed the short hair because it presented less problems than long hair .
21 Town water , although potable , is often unsuitable for textile processes such as package-dyeing because it contains suspended matter and soluble calcium and magnesium salts ; filtration and softening may be necessary before it can be employed with confidence in a process in which impurities can filter out upon yarn or fabric .
22 A PWR was economic , displacing old plant ; it was a good thing because it used other fuel than coal , or , rather , it was in line with the
23 On the other hand , there were those feminists represented by Josephine Butler who believed that prostitution was evil because it destroyed human dignity but who also believed the prostitute had a right not to be harassed , and if she was an adult she even had a right to choose to become a prostitute .
24 That is the quantity of extra resources that a competitive industry would use because it has higher average and marginal costs .
25 Mr Wallace expects to get support for his view that the Scottish Constitutional Convention should go into cold storage , not just because it has little relevance but also to expose Labour as uninterested in cross-party co-operation .
26 In the US , car makers fear the Index because it exposes some models as unreliable and poorly built .
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