Example sentences of "because [pers pn] [verb] n't [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not doing without a holiday because I 'm feeling hard up though , but because I do n't particularly want one . ’
2 That 's a shame because I do n't normally use overheads and I 've got into them this year and er my stats group in particular , who get the same sort of treatment as you do , have actually said th
3 You see this is why I want the management committee because I do n't really want to bother of interviewing somebody else and getting somebody else , do you see what I mean ? .
4 I think it 's mainly because I do n't really get enough exercise this time of the year I do n't
5 The supporters are not happy with that , they want to know the real truth and well , so do I in a way , because I do n't really know .
6 And ask them to take that on board , because I do n't really see why we should be expected to take on both factors .
7 Well on , I do it the right way , because I do n't always feel that I am doing it the right way .
8 And , to be honest , the motivation was gained from the reaction of friends and people who came along to the gigs , because I do n't always have a lot of confidence in what I do .
9 I think we 'll just have a nice quiet day today erm there 's a little bit of a snag because I do n't quite know what we 're going to do about all these children that like to go to the library .
10 Well that 's why I did it because I do n't often get the opportunity to go out and enjoy myself like that .
11 I found the problems in Bolo 's Adventures part 2 just as hard if not harder , although I ca n't really tell because I have n't even come close to finishing part 1 .
12 And by the end of the two weeks I was just slapping paint here , there and everywhere and I painted over all the locks and things like that , because I did n't really care too much about it .
13 I used to take bass for granted , because I did n't really understand it , but having been around Sara I 've got a much deeper appreciation for the way she fits into the rhythm section and comes up with lines that move around underneath the melody .
14 Geoffrey made a comment about select preacher , because you do n't particularly like the way he puts the message over .
15 Because you do n't always want a large meal , Beefeater have a range of special Light ‘ n' Early dishes served in the restaurant .
16 And as I said , you can use these techniques with your team , or you can adapt them to use them on your own , because you do n't always have somebody to help you .
17 She found her place in the team , because you do n't always have to lead from the front .
18 It is a pity that a news flash device could not be used to denote the settings — much of the effect of some of the scenes is lost because you do n't really know where you are .
19 Because you do n't actually die of H I V do you ?
20 ‘ I 'm upset , as you put it , because you did n't even have the courtesy to warn me that I might not be giving a lecture that 's due in eight days ’ time .
21 I do n't respect O'Connor because she suggests that decent working people just give up everything , and because she does n't genuinely make the best of the power she HAS got .
22 One thing was sure : she could n't afford it , because she had n't even imagined anything so grand .
23 With a wide , delighted smile , because she had n't really expected ever to see him again , she teased , ‘ Are you following me ? ’
24 I suppose that because she had n't really known me from an early age , she made a tremendous effort to get to know me later .
25 ‘ That 's what I keep asking myself — because she did n't just leave .
26 She will look elegant in black , and she 'll cry delicately so as not to mar the whiteness of her skin , and dab her nose with a lace-edged handkerchief , and wear Mother 's jet brooch , and all the customers will sigh and say how sad it is , and young men will want to comfort and console her , and they will , oh yes , because she did n't really love him .
27 Juliet felt awkward , wishing she had n't listened outside the curtains yesterday , and feeling a coward because she did n't really want to face her mother 's embarrassment .
28 She had n't told John about the colour scheme because she did n't quite know what he would say .
29 She did n't finish her threat , because she did n't actually have any idea what she could do .
30 That 's like Sarah at work , I mean she leaves at twenty past five , if she thinks that , she 'll leave at ten past five I mean she thinks you 're stupid because she do n't always go but even when she 's not going she
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