Example sentences of "one [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One may also adduce the fact that a Beethoven symphony often impels its audience to interpret the music pictorially , but in no one single way .
2 One may still sense the impact which experience of the France of Louis XIV had on its regenerator , Ralph Montagu , First Duke of Montagu .
3 One may now reconsider the evidence about the death of Fahreddin Acemi since it is common ground amongst the writers connected with the later tradition that Molla Husrev succeeded Fahreddin Acemi as Mufti .
4 I know one should n't bite the hand that feeds but sometimes I feel that the roles are reversed : that I 'm really William Darcy , and I 'm playing the part of James Salperton . ’
5 Naturally , one should not ignore the factor of Central Government legislation which requires any council to implement planning restrictions and to provide services in an economical and rational manner .
6 But one should not ignore the fact that the Party was also developing its economic policies and identifying closely with the unemployed .
7 But one should not ignore the fact that there were many Catholics who found themselves opposing Franco because of their support for the independence movements .
8 Even with this limitation , however , and even given the fact that the Court in this case says by way of principle little that it has not said in previous cases , one should not underestimate the impact of this new illustration of the Court 's conception of the reach of the Directive in terms of the nature of the activities it covers .
9 However , one should not underestimate the role played by anti-black organizations like the National Front .
10 In consequence , one should not expect the discourse of racism to be necessarily marked by the ponderous unsubtlety of thought described by Adorno et al .
11 One should not exaggerate the significance of the change .
12 One should not overlook the possibility , however , that some activities are not adding value at all , and these need to be removed completely .
13 One should not overlook the desirability of having the railway line , which goes fairly directly to the station on a Regional Railways route and one should not overlook the importance of having a radial road which does not go through or otherwise influence villages between it and the centre of York .
14 Costs may be driven down by reducing the need for activities , but one should not overlook the reduction of costs in terms of both what causes activities to take place and the efficiency of conducting the activity itself .
15 One should not overlook the desirability of having the railway line , which goes fairly directly to the station on a Regional Railways route and one should not overlook the importance of having a radial road which does not go through or otherwise influence villages between it and the centre of York .
16 First , an objector might try to press the fashionable distaste for the first-person perspective and say that the fact that I can not apply the theory to myself shows nothing except that one should not approach the philosophy of mind via the first person .
17 No one should ever underestimate the trauma of change on res on residents their relatives and the staff involved , either in the refurbishment programme or in future closers and we have never denied that there will not be closures , we have consistently proposed that there should be .
18 According to Dr George F. Kroker , an allergist working in Wisconsin : ‘ Carbohydrate and/or yeast craving is such a characteristic finding in this disorder that one should seriously doubt the diagnosis of this illness if it is not present . ’
19 Good grass requires great care and understanding , as described above , and one should never forget the adage : ‘ To make a pasture breaks a man . ’
20 So many companies still get it wrong It brings into question the fundamental and obvious belief that one should always put the customer first .
21 One must clearly study the variation of a species throughout its geographical range , at one moment in geological time , before one can claim that it has changed into something else .
22 Similarly , if one can see things as blue one must already have the concept of blueness .
23 In Japanese one must here say the equivalent of I go .
24 However , all this said and done , just as historians and archaeologists are today able to reconstruct the meaning of obsolescent forms of recording such as hieroglyphics or the structure and form of ancient buildings through the analysis of postholes , one must not underestimate the ability of future generations to decode the electronic records that are being created by today 's society .
25 Nevertheless , one must not underestimate the importance of earlier ideas about press freedom , nor must one underestimate the extent to which these ideas still reside within more complex statements about the mass media .
26 Although I am always prepared to enter discussions with the hon. Gentleman about hypothetical matters , one must also balance the amount of time and expense that it would take to comment on something that is not a reality .
27 And one must also remember the effect of previous lives .
28 One must also question the assumption that single-discipline degrees are themselves immaculately unified .
29 If this BSL — English is unacceptable in English , one must also question the validity of interpretation in sign language forms which follow English structure .
30 At the same time one must also recognise the importance of recreating other habitats such as wooded areas and ponds .
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