Example sentences of "use [det] [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 She used all her strength to grip the frame , her body buffeted by the high-speed wind that swept against the train as it roared along .
2 Jack used all his skill to keep the Vimy level , one bump and Brown would slip on the ice-covered Vimy and plunge to the ocean below .
3 While the survivors were treated for shock and hypothermia the acting coxswain used all his skill to keep the lifeboat in position and to minimise the violent motion caused by the sea conditions .
4 But instead he used all his strength to heave the door shut , battling against the onrushing wind as the train continued to hurtle along .
5 But parents , who know those facts , can use all their influence to discourage the habit .
6 I also believe that at the conference he will use all his persuasiveness to enable the European Community to move ahead .
7 I do n't know who it and apparently he asked him that , are , are any of your men gon na be there and if there are he said , I 'm , I 'm gon na pull out and use all my influence to stop the march and the I R A police said no there would not be any gunmen there so I thought yeah , fucking right , oh yeah that 's easy to say , and then if like the reporter said and , and you believe him and you have the feeble excuse towards a small community he said , you know what 's going on
8 Making social policy on the hoof and enforcing social work to use all its energy re-organising the services to a business model , will not stop more young people in public care dying in stolen cars .
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