Example sentences of "use [pers pn] [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some skip the tight fantastic by using them as a jumping rope , others wear them as a scarf or string them up in the garden as a washing line .
2 The modern world has discovered that citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C — and has started using them in a big way for cooking .
3 The Labour administration approved the scheme wholeheartedly in 1986 , and used it at a public inquiry to try to oppose the imposition of more A-road architecture on the site approved by the previous Tory administration .
4 The Chinese , who used ivory for elaborately carved handles and vessels as early as the Shang dynasty and in later times used it for a wide variety of personal items such as brush pots , wrist-rests , boxes , seals , snuff boxes and fans , had increasingly to import the material as the elephant herds in the southern provinces diminished .
5 But there were plenty of beautiful and recognisable faces to be seen amongst the anonymous , but none-the-less powerful , fashion editors , still enough buying power in this room alone to rock empires , even if no house made a profit from the couture but rather used it for a loss-leading advertisement and a mark of prestige .
6 They realised the strategic importance of the site and used it as a naval base and trading post .
7 Often it was relatives or friends of us permanents , who used it as a temporary place to stay on arrival until they found bedsits or whatever .
8 He used it as a chemical store once it had been deconsecrated or whatever it is they do to unused churches .
9 The English used it as a convenient base for raids into the Scots East and Middle Marches , and as a permanent threat , its strong position on the rocky spine at the junction of the two rivers making it a very difficult nut to crack .
10 He attended the assembly 's sessions regularly and on several occasions used it as a parliamentary forum in which to press his case .
11 The geological availability of these is used by geographers and historians as a strong argument for why settlements are sited near them when engaged in mining them , or when a particular industry which uses them as a raw material has to be nearby .
12 Such a word may be useful to a literary man but it throws little light on Green 's intentions except when he uses it in a negative sense ; in one chapter he states a subject was ‘ unpicturesque and consequently not worth an artists attention ’ .
13 Victor Frankenstein , Shelley 's future wife , Mary Godwin , will publish a novel about you , using you as a dire example of the way man becomes isolated from nature when he seeks to control nature .
14 You could use them as a decorative device on invitations , or as part of the design on your personal writing paper .
15 ‘ But now I can use them for a different trade . ’
16 Her voice sounded rusty , as if she had n't used it for a long time .
17 And best of all , the Royston , Hertfordshire-based company has simply taken technology that it has already developed and used it in a creative way , which means the newspaper should be relatively cheap — no pricing was available , however , as the firm builds bespoke systems to suit a customers individual needs .
18 If you have an antique bedstead , you can use it with a good quality mattress provided you have a special drop-in base made for it .
19 My plan is to consider inter-relations between welfare improvement and the safeguarding of the environment , but first I want to talk about what the term ‘ welfare ’ means , and how we can use it in a scientific way .
20 So I thought well I 'll carry one of these for when I 'm going out in my car to which , you know , and if somebody does come up to me I can use it in a positive manner while in a split second time for me , hopefully beca , cos of my range of work
21 They decided to employ a similar philosophy to German Bands like Can and Faust , refusing to use them as a mere influence , more an entire concept .
22 There is a difference between marrying someone while not loving them and marrying them in order to use them as a private bank . ’
23 Outside the field of fiction ( and possibly , biography ) , coverage is not wide enough for librarians to use them as a regular source of selection information .
24 The practical point , of course , is never to parade all the facts at the beginning but to use them as a military commander might unleash the cavalry squadrons he has kept hidden below the brow of the hill .
25 Never daring to use them on a regular basis , they were placed inside a display cabinet for many years .
26 As we shall see in Chapter 8 , the only way to make thermosetting plastics reasonably tough is to incorporate fibres of one kind or another , in other words to use them in a composite material .
27 Advance comprises five distinct components and a firm has the option either to mix and match certain elements or to use it as a complete package , thereby effectively outsourcing all of its software functions .
28 He told the jury yesterday that he had never threatened her with his truncheon , but he had offered to use it as a sexual aid .
29 But it was their home … inviting Guy Sterne to use it as a convenient guest-house was like flinging open the drawbridge to the enemy …
30 The simplest and cheapest way of photographing a slide or peel is to use it as a photographic negative .
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