Example sentences of "look back [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
2 This old way , ‘ With an alien people clutching their gods ’ , looks back to the savage world which Eliot had been exploring , the world trapped in the ritual of ‘ birth , and copulation , and death ’ .
3 Judith Grossman 's novel , Her Own Terms , published in 1988 , looks back at a working-class scholarship-girl in the 1950s , who goes to Oxford from a South London Grammar school ; Grossman shows in passing how formidably well-read and linguistically equipped her heroine was .
4 As the Docklands beer festival fades from view , Martyn Cornell looks back at the sad demise of brewing in the Cockney heartland
5 Executive Support Manager Allan Paterson looks back over the TOP Programme as it has progressed at Hunterston and considers some of its achievements .
6 Christians , both Catholic and Protestant , have argued thus , as have Muslim scholars looking back to a golden age when Islamic thinkers were at the forefront of the physical sciences .
7 Looking back at the stormy relationship of a few years ago , he realised how much she had mellowed .
8 Looking back at the bell-box Sorvino was tempted to find a half-brick and try to put it out , but that would be fun and not duty .
9 Tsu Ma turned , looking back at the young man .
10 But by looking back at the archaic phase of Greek history and forward to later autocrats , as we have done with the Sicilian tyrants , we can remind ourselves that the democratic interludes of Greek history were not merely short but untypical — in Syracuse , Macedon , Cyrene and satrapal Asia Minor one-man rule was normal for much of the period 479–323 BC .
11 He levelled off about ten feet above the ground and banked as he climbed , looking back at the red flag .
12 So , too , the third of them , Stevens , who stood to one side , looking back at the wall-length window and its view of the great circle of the spaceport 's landing apron .
13 Looking back at the tangled web of confused events we can see that the answer had already emerged .
14 Looking back as an ordinary member , it is clear the buying out episode must have been irksome in the extreme and very wearing for a group of unwitting members who volunteered at this point in time to serve the Club and whose prime interest was a round of golf !
15 Peter O'Toole 's happiest hour as the Soho scribe looking back on a mis-spent life .
16 LOOKING back on Northern Ireland as it was when the troubles started is uncannily like looking back on a silent movie .
17 Looking back on the scant evidence we have to assume that , along with the guilty , some innocent men and women went to their deaths , despite their confessions .
18 It is difficult to believe in the political naivete of judges , but Sir John Donaldson , president of the NIRC , looking back on the short history of that court , has expressed views which are bewildering in their ingenuousness .
19 Self-satisfied spokesmen for the bourgeoisie were inclined to overstress the improvement , though none would deny what Sir Robert Giffen ( 1837–1900 ) , looking back on the British half-century before 1883 , tactfully called ‘ a residuum still unimproved ’ , nor that the improvement ‘ even when measured by a low ideal , is far too small ’ , nor that ‘ no one can contemplate the condition of the masses of the people without desiring something like a revolution for the better ’ .
20 So , Slon , how do you feel about Zagrat , looking back from the freak time ? ’ asked the bimbo interviewer .
21 In the week after the election we asked our panel to look back Over the whole campaign and tell us how useful they had found television , the press , and other sources for : ( 1 ) helping decide what party leaders and personalities were really like ; ( 2 ) keeping them informed about the issues ; and ( 3 ) helping them decide how to vote .
22 He left the convent with Amsterdam , not turning to look back at the ancient pile .
23 It may be questioned whether this change achieves very much of a practical nature since ( a ) one still needs to look back at the common law of detinue to determine what constitutes the new form of conversion and ( b ) there still survive two torts of interference with property which have a considerable overlap with conversion , i.e .
24 Fei Yen reined in her horse and turned to look back down the steep slope beneath the beacon .
25 The hon. Gentleman should look back at the Labour party 's record in government before he starts to criticise ours .
26 He did n't look back at the sudden commotion behind him and , when a shadow passed over him , merely gibbered weakly and tried to burrow into the horse 's mane .
27 Rachaela made herself look back at the white face of her child .
28 Collins should know — he can now look back on a managerial career which spanned Huddersfield , Hull City and Barnsley .
29 From time to time he would look back with a certain pride at them .
30 We can look back to a similar situation hundreds of years ago — the taming of knights in the Middle Ages .
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