Example sentences of "look up [prep] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When words are looked up in the word look-up tree , if the flag for start of compound is set , the compound tree is checked .
2 As adjacent word positions are also looked up in the word look-up tree , they are checked for whether or not they are the appropriate words to complete the compound .
3 ‘ The graveyard of St. Giles , ’ Sir James testily remarked , looking up into the night sky .
4 The third perspective is Kao yuan , in which the viewer is looking up towards a mountain scene , as William Willetts puts it , ‘ through successively receding heights represented by flat parallel planes , each with its own horizon ’ .
5 They 're looking up at the sign board , and holding each other 's hand .
6 All eyes were looking up at the pit lane screens as every lap , every move , was relayed on to the tube
7 ( An image from another life : lying below Broken Boy , looking up at the summer sky through the broken reaches of the creature 's antlers .
8 After standing silently looking up at the Brooklyn sky for a few minutes , and reciting a poem , she then jumped back into the car .
9 And as Morse opened his passenger door , he stood for a while looking up at the Pole Star , and asking himself the question he had been asking for the past two hours : was there any way in which Downes could still have been the murderer after all ?
10 Standing looking up at the east front , he knew that the Alpheus lay to the south , on his left , and the Cladeus flowed into it from his right .
11 Well , ’ I sighed , looking up to the night sky , where the clouds were starting to blot out the few stars that the city lights did not obscure .
12 In his own Lake District Guide Book he says he came to Ambleside in 1809 , where ‘ he took a House opposite the White Lion ’ , and the etching showing his garden gate looking up to the Market Cross in its original position seems to support this site ; but the date is clearly wrong .
13 A coffin-maker could look up to a funeral furnisher rather than to an undertaker ; an undertaker might have respected the funeral furnisher in as much as he could afford to buy in his coffins ; whereas the funeral furnisher , whilst relying on the coffin-maker , looked down on the undertaker ( Col. 2 ) .
14 In the same way they look up into the night sky to see the stars and feel the awe and wonder of the infinite worlds with their infinite distances into which may be submerged all our preoccupations as if we had washed our souls in the oceans of space .
15 Look up at the car clock , or whatever ?
16 If you look up to the university lecturer or down on the cleaner , either way you 're not facing up to the truth about us all .
17 PICCADILLY CIRCUS It may be wise to keep your eyes on the traffic , but when you 've reached the island , look up to the Spectacolor board above the corner of Haymarket and Coventry Street .
18 Seb looked up towards the manor house and saw a dancing orange light flickering erratically at one of the upstairs windows .
19 The big one looked up at the night sky , seeking inspiration .
20 Switching off , Dalgliesh looked up at the oil portrait of his maternal great-grandfather , the Victorian bishop , robed but unmitred , his arms in their billowing lawn sleeves confidently resting on the arms of the chair .
21 He looked up at the apple tree and replied , ‘ It makes no fucking difference , Piper , where you dig it .
22 At one minute to air , Scott grinned across to the other newscaster , looked up at the control room , and nodded .
23 She looked up at the bedroom ceiling , where a pale stain recalled a burst pipe nearly fifteen months ago .
24 I looked up at the bedroom window as I closed the door behind me .
25 He lay on his back and looked up at the leaf canopy as it stirred and turned , sifting the afternoon sunlight .
26 Nick looked up from the backgammon board .
27 As I was pulling the institutional door of his office shut behind me he looked up from the reading matter he had taken up again and said , ‘ And Ian — ’
28 My mother looked up from the sewing machine .
29 Robyn looked up from the kitchen sink and placed a washed plate on to the draining-board .
30 DeVore looked up from the wei chi board and smiled .
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