Example sentences of "look at in a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a feeling that the wider issues needed to be looked at in a national forum .
2 The issues must , however , be looked at in a broader context .
3 Looked at in a different way , a feudal knight would have a squire who carried his armour for him , sharpened up his sword , and polished his boots .
4 These topics are often looked at in an historical context : changes in the patterning of family life with industrialization and urbanization are examined .
5 So , we 're looked at in an ambivalent way .
6 But everybody you see now , you look at in a different light .
7 Here are some of the main basic devices : [ quote ] Looked at in a cold light , most of these devices seem pretty silly , if not worse .
8 Braverman ( 1974 ) argues that scientific management and the work of individuals such as F. W. Taylor , that we looked at in an earlier chapter , encouraged the development of the control of the worker by management and that the transformation of work advocated by scientific management led to the de-skilling and to the degradation of the worker .
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