Example sentences of "look for a [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some comfortable suites are also available on request for those looking for a little extra comfort .
2 The Financial Times Technical Page , for example , will not appreciate a very chatty approach , whereas teenage magazine editors may well looking for a little modern slang with which their readers might identify .
3 The current obsession with pseudo-Victorian and other bogus ‘ historical ’ styles imposed willy-nilly and quite regardless of the true age of the pub , seems to suggest two things ; firstly that pub designers and fitters have completely lost their way , both in recognising and respecting what is genuinely old and in looking for a wholeheartedly modern pub style ; secondly that there is some king of awareness , correct but misguided , that people like their pubs to look old and feel familiar .
4 ( Jim is now looking for a completely new team , applications to London West )
5 So it' , I 'm looking for a really simple word .
6 So , if you 're looking for a really healthy holiday this year , grab a jumper and head for Eire , Sweden or the Netherlands , where only three per cent of visitors reported any illness .
7 ‘ We am looking for a very substantial majority .
8 Most of our users come into the library looking for a very specific book .
9 Most of our users come into the library looking for a very specific book .
10 Well I 'm looking for a very good friend of mine er who I served in the army with called Tony .
11 They may have a requirement where they are looking for a very high return on capital employed and need to attract and retain the very best people in order to achieve that .
12 ‘ I 'd been looking for a fairly young product which had a range of merchandise to allow a shop to stand on its own two feet .
13 ‘ Just keep looking for a more credible suspect with a motive you have n't found yet , I suggest . ’
14 Warning of the growing impatience of the shabab , the youth , one journalist wrote ‘ if they [ the shabab ] see that the PLO 's political initiatives are producing no results , they will force the PLO into a more radical posture or else they will go looking for a more radical leadership within the PLO . ’
15 Muriel , probably because of her years and the fact they were looking for a more mature person , was by a hair 's breadth the front-runner , ahead of two younger girls both with experience of the insurance business .
16 Those who are working as agency or casual workers " involuntarily " , whilst looking for a more permanent job , are also , by definition , not interested in building up long-term relationships with their employers .
17 With companies now planning their entertainment strategy for the coming year , some will be looking for a more exciting day out .
18 We are looking for a more realistic piece of sky . ’
19 Looking for a less demanding occupation , she opened the first Body Shop in a tiny premises in a back street of Brighton in 1976 , selling fifteen different products in plastic bottles with hand-written labels .
20 You came into the chamber , you were not looking for an almost invisible line of thread running from your bed underneath the door .
21 I know that they do have computer science courses at both O level and A level , do you think these will be the basis of the future courses , or are we looking for an entirely new development , something quite new and quite different , that stands as a subject in his own right ?
22 We can not now implement the whole of that programme and must look for a more concessive approach , capable of accommodating the competing strengths of individualism .
23 Ideal , say , for a university library building up stock — particularly if secondhand wants lists were being compiled — though someone revising the history stock at a small public library service point would look for a more selective tool .
24 Our normal response is to look for a comparatively minor adjustment near the periphery ; if we can not see the cake when we expected to we would normally suppose , perhaps , that someone has eaten it , rather than that cakes now have a tendency to dematerialize .
25 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
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