Example sentences of "use [pron] [adj] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 By using my right knee to steady the wheel when I changed gear , I managed to get Armstrong out of the hospital car park .
2 There was no denying that his penetration of my mind , using my eidetic memory to distort the relation between representation and that which was represented , was strident , aggressive even .
3 She yelled ‘ Continuous ! ’ to the blaster and used her free hand to adjust the beam .
4 The rats used their cognitive maps to achieve the goal , showing they had learned the maze .
5 in the most efficient groups the supervisor assumed the leadership role and used his supervisory talents to get the best out of his group .
6 He grabbed Alexei 's wrist , then used his other hand to unclamp the fingers .
7 However , it is as an active patron of architecture that Hope is best known , where he used his immense wealth to provide the tangible realization of his Gothic aspirations .
8 As you can imagine , Michael used his telekinetic powers to kill the dreaded Dr Adams , in order to save all of his friends .
9 When he saw the ball trickling back towards his stumps , he used his left hand to sweep the ball away .
10 He used his left arm to release the tangled parachute and after falling 500ft pulled the ripcord of his reserve chute .
11 " ( Hitler ) then used his mass support to castrate the forces which had resisted democracy .
12 He prayed to build on his aversion and include Ariel herself in his disgust ; it was not as difficult as before to force himself to keep his distance , because he was angry at the child 's existence , the visible emblem and consequence of their unlawful coupling , and he wanted to punish Ariel for not using her clever arts to prevent the baby coming .
13 Although it is not mentioned in the Act , the Government intended to act as an agent of the Government of India , by using its compulsory powers to purchase the site of the India Office and sell it back to the Indian Government .
14 Assuming Newco will not wish to establish a qualifying trust , the most tax-efficient funding mechanism is achieved if the trust borrows funds from a third party source and Newco uses its tax-deductible contributions to fund the trust 's interest payments on such borrowings .
15 He , therefore , uses his rhetorical skills to persuade the level-headed but inexperienced Eudoxus that Irenius 's fears are not unreasonable when the nature of the Irish situation is grasped .
16 Previous US attempts to terminate the Trust Agreement had been foiled by the opposition of the Soviet Union which accused the administering power of having used its economic strength to force the territories into accepting the compacts .
17 The purchaser will use its reasonable endeavours to obtain the release of any personal guarantees made by the Directors in respect of ABC and its subsidiary companies ' existing obligations relating to the business of ABC and subsidiaries ( which after investigating such guarantees and terms of release it agrees to obtain the release of ) and pending such release will indemnify the Directors against any claims under such guarantees .
18 As might be supposed , West German parties do indeed use their regional lists to promote the election of their most favoured candidates .
19 On the contrary , they prefer to rest in groups out in the open , where they can use their acute senses to scan the landscape for tell-tale sounds , scents and movements .
20 But if 60 per cent of Conservative members really believe that standards may suffer , the remedy 's in their hands : they must use their corporate power to change the Bill for the better .
21 Mueller had simply used his privileged position to advise the General Directors that he was operating on the instructions of the President .
22 Colleagues fear someone may have used his coded authorisation to operate the machine .
23 An exquisite figure in the ring , he has used his indomitable spirit to capture the imagination of millions everywhere ; he was , in his prime , the most famous man in the world .
24 I wish he could use his Saudi influences to prevent the barbaric practice of decapitation of human beings which takes place every Friday in the square at Riyadh in Saudi Arabia .
25 If you have not , will you use your good offices to nudge the Home Secretary in that direction so that he apologises to Winston Silcott and his family ?
26 If you were a wild creature , you could certainly use your lensless eye to detect the looming shape of a predator , and the direction from which it was approaching .
27 The Treasury 's writ runs as wide as ever , so Sir Terence will be able to use its top job to steer the priorities and ideas of the whole of Whitehall .
28 She 'd have to use her real name to have the baby , because of the records and things .
29 He was helpless ; he was not convinced , but he lacked the self-assurance and moral authority to go back to his office to use his official powers to requisition the people 's promade .
30 In his post-election Cabinet reshuffle Sandys was sent back to the Ministry of Supply to use his undoubted energies to create the much needed Ministry of Aviation .
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