Example sentences of "look out [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Looked out of the window at rain , no horizon and a cloud-base under 500 ‘ ft ‘ and went back to bed for another hour .
2 Here a tasteful modern development looks out onto the statue of Christ ( similar to but much smaller than those in Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon ) , which was inaugurated in 1927 .
3 The head looks out of the proportion to the rest of the body , with the mouth extended well forwards and down , indicating the hoover nature of feeding .
4 The lounge bar looks out on the garden with two doors giving access to the terrace and seats some 100 persons .
5 Minutes from the centre of Sant' Agata it looks out at the Bay of Naples and onwards to Mount Vesuvius .
6 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
7 Sorvino glanced at his observer and saw that he was half-turned in his seat and looking out towards the back of the car .
8 She sat down and leaned back against the rock looking out over the sweep of moorland .
9 Standing there , looking out over the expanse of the tarn , the reader will surely be astonished that these miners of old had once contemplated draining the tarn by driving a level underneath it .
10 ‘ Well , ’ said the corporal at last , looking out over the river to where a low mud shoal raised its back above the water , grey and wrinkled like a hippopotamus , ‘ it was there . ’
11 Simone 's Studios command fantastic views of the coastline of mainland Greece and Albania , as they 're set up on a small hill looking out over the bay of Benitses .
12 Now , looking out over the heartland to the eastern sky already flushed with the first faint gold of dawn , he said aloud : ‘ I let my father die deliberately .
13 I stood on the parapet , looking out over the town of Swindon , willing myself to feel less disembodied .
14 They had gone into the largest of the rock shelters , one which he himself used when he felt very bold and did not mind looking out over the vacancy of the Waste .
15 Springsteen was sitting on top of the stereo stack , looking out of the window into the darkening sky .
16 Nails was looking out of the window as if he had nothing to do with any of them .
17 Grace 's mother was in the room now , and she was looking out of the window with her husband and daughter .
18 Looking out of the window on this pleasant Sunday afternoon , she smiled as she saw the three children engaged in various activities at the far end of the garden .
19 So there was always a bottle of Reisling and a guitar , his Japanese kimono and him staying in bed , looking out of the window at the wolves chasing the train as we went through Siberia in the snow , whereas Geoffrey McCormack ( or Warren Peace as he was known professionally ) and I would get off at nearly every stop if we were awake , and run around on the platform .
20 I used a shade that is lighter than most soils , although of course I am used to looking out of the window at our bright reddish-brown soil here in Devon !
21 He was looking out of the window at his lovely new garden , at the exquisite magnolia just breaking into its goblet-like , glowing blooms which were , since Monday , also his .
22 Duncan stayed awake , looking out of the window at the cloud-covered land thirty thousand feet below .
23 The success — I am looking out of the window at the thickly carpeted mountainside — comes from the knowledge of shared weakness , the weakness of both men and women in matters of sex and passion .
24 Anne was looking out of the window at the reds and yellows of the trees , and the silvery blue of the river .
25 ‘ It 's a waste of money , ’ said Harriet , looking out of the window at the parkland , which seemed lush enough to feed the whole of the East End of London until the next war .
26 The complete context picture depicted a young man standing in the street serenading his girlfriend who is looking out of the window at the top of a tall block of flats .
27 Now it 's glossy cream and pale blue and beautiful , but I find myself looking out of the window at the broken slats of the fence between our house and the next , and understanding very well why canals and tulips and windmills and clear blue Dutch skies had been important to the woman who had stood in that kitchen before me .
28 It should n't have taken her long to pack and change out of her sundress into a skirt and blouse , but she found she was folding each garment at least twice , and several times she stood looking out of the window at the busy yard below .
29 ‘ My dining room faces north and is difficult to heat , ’ he had said to Ianthe , and now he stood in it looking out of the window at the cold March day , fully conscious of his words .
30 We were able to help him … we can see their house from our bedroom and we just happened to be looking out of the window at the time , do n't you know . ’
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