Example sentences of "should [be] [verb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jonathan Webb , the Bath full back , learned his rugby at Newcastle 's Royal Grammar School , and his immense contribution to England 's championship cause should be confirmed with the six points he needs to surpass Simon Hodgkinson 's Five Nations record ( 60 last season ) and the seven he requires to beat Dusty Hare 's alltime England points record ( 240 ) .
2 I believe that the British historical galleries should conclude in the late nineteenth century ( c. 1880 ) , and everything later should be integrated with the international modern collection .
3 If an original receipt is obtained and the Claimant requests it 's return , then the receipt should be stamped with an official stamp and a claim number .
4 The roof space should be insulated with a glass-fibre quilt at least 100mm ( 4in ) thick and preferably 150mm ( 6in ) thick .
5 CASE 1 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the From Working-Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the To Table Number space .
6 CASE 2 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the To Working-Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the From Table Number space .
7 CASE 3 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the From Working Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the To Table Number space .
8 The Completion Confirmed on Date space on all the forms should be completed with the current date before a form is returned to the lexicographers .
9 The sail should be rigged with the minimum amount of mast showing at deck level .
10 There is certainly a good argument that in some situations shellac would not be an adequately strong finish , but in this case we had a fine table with a burr walnut surface which should be treated with a certain amount of care and respect in general use .
11 Any mould growth should be killed with a fungicide wash , and loose or powdery surfaces should be treated with a stabilising solution .
12 These results should be treated with a little caution , as the group surveyed is not statistically representative of the total population of practitioners throughout the country , and the costs estimated may not be based on detailed analyses of time and expenses .
13 The belief that ‘ meaning is in the text ’ , which represents a particular and currently powerful aspect of the search for ‘ literal meaning ’ , should be treated with the same scepticism with which we confront Luther 's claims .
14 Patterned fabrics may appeal to you , but they should be treated with the utmost caution .
15 Although we can state what percentage of total population the older age groups currently represent , it is not reliable to quote future percentages ; such predictions should be treated with the utmost caution .
16 These findings reaffirm the maxim that patients with adult onset ‘ coeliac ’ disease who show a poor response to treatment or who deteriorate when receiving treatment should be viewed with a high degree of suspicion .
17 While the portrayal of disability issues in the arts arena should be viewed with the same critical eye as the presentation of issues in the political arena , we should also take care not to underestimate the role of the arts in assisting the processes of change .
18 Each room should be lit with a warm glow , rather than a glaring white light from a central light bulb covered with a scorched paper shade !
19 Ideally , opioid dependent prisoners in custody should be stabilised with the right dose .
20 But , when more that 2 to 3 minutes away from the facility , a correction for 5° off track should be made with a minimum angle of 30° .
21 Contact should be made with the nearest medical school of H.M. Inspector of Anatomy whose address may be obtained from London Anatomy Office , P.O. Box 915 , London W6 8RP ( South East England ) , or the H.M. Inspector of Anatomy at the Department of Health and Social Security , Eileen House , 80–94 Newington Causeway , London , SE1 6EF ( for the rest of England and Wales ) .
22 Normally arrangements to invigilate these examinations should be made with the nearest British Council Office .
23 Arrangements should be made with the Regional Secretary 's Department for the required number of certified copies .
24 We would be very pleased to discuss any aspect of staff development and in the first instance contact should be made with the Administrative Officer with responsibility for this area of our work .
25 If a prospective purchaser wishes to obtain supplementary information contact should be made with the designated representatives of KPMG Peat Marwick .
26 But such compromises should be made with the larger goal always in view , rather than , as at present , as a consequence of the self-interested lobbying of powerful groups .
27 Initial contact should be made with the local office of the Department of Health and Social Security .
28 I believe that a low brace should be taught with a low elbow and not with the elbow raised above the paddle shaft as is commonly taught in the UK .
29 The ISE 's Special Committee on Market Development recommended in July 1990 that the Alpha , Beta and Gamma classifications on SEAQ should be replaced with a new measure called Normal Market Size ( NMS ) which is calculated by the stock 's liquidity and trading volume .
30 INQUESTS should be replaced with a different procedure , Ulster Unionist MP David Trimble has urged .
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