Example sentences of "should [be] [verb] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From around six weeks you should be rewarded by an answering smile .
2 Even so , a link between desire and routine behaviour should be noted as an important element in preserving the right of elders to ‘ want something ’ , and thus to avoid depersonalising them .
3 If an original receipt is obtained and the Claimant requests it 's return , then the receipt should be stamped with an official stamp and a claim number .
4 The beginner should be looking at an initial purchase of one sail to allow them to learn in light winds of up to force two .
5 Toffler-junkies should be prepared for an intellectual placebo .
6 The Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee has argued in vain that law centres should be treated as an essential part of the national network of legal services and that the Lord Chancellor should take on responsibility for their core funding .
7 And should be treated as an industrial injury .
8 First , they argued that a Maximum Admissible Concentration should be treated as an absolute limit not to be breached , and not the basis of an average .
9 To achieve anything approaching optimum effectiveness in the ‘ technological office ’ , it is logical that the environment should be treated as an important part of the process .
10 If those authorities were negligent or in any way in breach of duty , it is important that that fact should be uncovered at an early stage .
11 It suggests that the system should be replaced with an interest-based penalty , possibly rising to a deterrent rate , which would discourage late payment due to neglect and ‘ playing the system ’ , without unduly penalising those who are genuinely unable to pay or small businesses , which are usually less organised and therefore bear the greater brunt of penalties .
12 The Duke of Norfolk says the Lords should be replaced by an elected chamber , and Earl Spencer — brother of the Princess of Wales — does not attend because he acknowledges that the system is undemocratic .
13 It is a moot point whether TGAT 's ‘ rough speculation ’ should be seen as an empirical prediction , or a design criterion for the system .
14 As complete accuracy is so fundamental to the fairness of credit reference reporting , we think the cost of securing this accuracy should be seen as an integral part of the business of credit reporting .
15 It was the preparatory phase of the " New State " and , as such , should be seen as an integral part of it .
16 Because these skills would not be particular to one subject area — . but rather should be seen as an integral part of the whole schooling process — the project should have a cross-curricular base , be taught within subject areas in reference to specific contexts rather than as a separate theoretical concept related to general study .
17 In terms of pupils development , a database should be seen as an integral part of an assignment and part of a long term , cross-curricular development of information skills .
18 It seems that the unrest should be seen as an authentic expression of High Church hostility towards Whigs and Dissenters , shared by plebeians , gentry and clergy alike .
19 ‘ Our recommendations , ’ they conclude , ‘ should be seen as an integrated package .
20 The presence of large numbers of bilingual and biliterate children in the community should be seen as an enormous resource which ought to become more , not less , important to the British economy in the next few years .
21 Any opportunity to advance your studies should be seen as an important part of your continuing in-service education .
22 When such temptation comes , it should be seen as an amber light to warn of the worldliness of mind into which we are slipping .
23 Since it was never the intention that the project should be run as an open competition for " challenge funding " , details of the procedures for participation and selection were never publicised .
24 Mind and Body therefore should be regarded as an integrated network , a self-realising energy system .
25 The point , however , we wish to make here is that , from whatever source the teachers are drawn , their work with adult students should be regarded as university work ; the Professor of English should make it part of his duties to keep in close touch with them , periodical meetings of the tutors and the Professor , for the interchange of ideas and the discussion of problems should be held — in short that the extension and tutorial classes should be regarded as an integral part of the English Department .
26 Therefore , and as the court ruled on similar grounds in relation to the words , ‘ the operation of a branch , agency or other establishment ’ referred in article 5(5) of the Convention ( judgment of 22 November 1978 in Somafer v. Saar-Ferngas A.G. ( Case 33/78 ) [ 1978 ] E.C.R. 2183 ) , the concept of matters relating to a contract should be regarded as an independent concept which , for the purpose of the application of the Convention , must be interpreted by reference chiefly to the system and objectives of the Convention , in order to ensure it is fully effective .
27 Further resources may need to be accumulated , and this should be regarded as an on-going process , with useful material being added whenever opportunities arise .
28 However , if you are carrying out skin-brushing ( which does almost the same job ) , the following simple self-massage sequence will be extremely beneficial and should be regarded as an important ally in any campaign against cellulite .
29 Fishing for predatory bream with imitation or real fish should be regarded as an opportunist method to be employed when you happen to see bream chasing fry , or when you have tried all conventional methods and failed ; or simply when you fancy your chances with a fish bait .
30 In my opinion , a skip should be regarded as an open invitation to selective plundering .
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