Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Without doubt the two best Cup teams in the country have reached Twickenham this season and it should make for a superb final .
2 50 races … solos and sidecars … should make for a thrilling showdown .
3 The alliance should prepare for a conventional war lasting no more than a few days .
4 ‘ A revolutionary socialist newspaper should exist for a specific purpose ; it should have a clearly defined perspective ’ , wrote Tariq Ali ominously in the anniversary editorial .
5 Whether Highland should remain as a single-tier region or be divided into smaller units is likely to be one of the most difficult decisions Mr Lang faces as he reaches an advanced stage of drawing up his plans for local government reform .
6 I would therefore argue that even if the discrepancy between girls ' and boys ' performance at the top levels of achievement in mathematics was entirely due to differences in ability ( which I do not believe , but nevertheless should stay as a possible hypothesis ) , there is a strong case for saying that we should act to try to alter the situation .
7 It is my considered opinion that we should stay at a safe distance and await further developments . ’
8 Then the masses of the W and Z particles should relate in a precise way according to the electro-weak theory .
9 The resulting Palache Report , named after its chairman and published by the CFC in 1944 , articulated Balcon 's concern that the British cinema was becoming a ‘ channel for disseminating the ideas and aspirations , no matter how worthy in themselves , of one or two dominating personalities in this country , ’ and backed his view that the British industry should concentrate on a regular output of low-budget , authentically British films .
10 Benson 's text is a welcome addition for those who treat female patients with various urogenital and anorectal complaints , and it should appeal to a broad range of readers , from medical students to subspecialist physicians .
11 He thought that fascism was played out in England and that the IFL should merge into a new organization that he planned called the ‘ National Union of British Workmen ’ .
12 The issue between radical patriots and conservatives centred on whether the privileged estates should preserve the separate representation they had enjoyed as ‘ arms ’ of the medieval Cortes , or whether all should merge in a general congress .
13 Those on yacht holidays have even less storage space , and should pack in a soft rucksack is useful for carrying picnics , towels and spare clothes .
14 If you are taking the patient out frequently , and rely on the car as his necessary transport , you should qualify for a disabled permit to park in restricted areas .
15 The facts of deixis should act as a constant reminder to theoretical linguists of the simple but immensely important fact that natural languages are primarily designed , so to speak , for use in face-to-face interaction , and thus there are limits to the extent to which they can be analysed without taking this into account ( Lyons , 1977a : 589ff ) .
16 During the takeover battle , it was suggested that Cadbury Schweppes should act as a white knight to Rowntree , in order to form a strong British company able to compete effectively with the Swiss .
17 The typical case is one in which a factual statement points out that a situation is one of the kind in which an ethical statement asserts that a certain obligation holds , that is , one in which it has expressed the wish that people should act in a certain way or meet the disfavour of others .
18 Again the opening up of public procurement procedures should result in a significant increase in intra-EC trade and industry re-structuring .
19 Together , the Grant Scheme and the more stringent contract conditions should result in a marked improvement to buses in Lothian in terms of standards of passenger accessibility and safety .
20 It should result in a clear statement of that practice area 's intended position in the marketplace and how it can differentiate itself from its competitors .
21 Amiss wondered vaguely why ffeatherstonehaugh 's head waiter should speak like a prep-school master of the 1950s .
22 However , translators with different linguistic backgrounds should benefit from a brief exposure to both points of view .
23 The Left drew the less tenable if understandable conclusion that all socialists should unite in a single organization to oppose the threat of fascism , without placing any reliance on the British state to protect domestic political institutions .
24 Laura believed everything in the home should contribute to a pervading sense of calm and peacefulness ; the same calm and peacefulness she had first discovered at her aunt and uncle 's home in suburban Wallington .
25 For he does not allow that there can be someone who genuinely asks himself what he should do in a moral way , but whose answer is in terms of what is only one of various logically coherent moralities .
26 A healthy aura is rather like a filter , allowing only that which is beneficial to affect us ; this is what it should achieve in a well-balanced person .
27 The prospect of an EC including Scandinavia and even Eastern Europe , has persuaded countries like France , which once argued that the Twelve should advance in a straight line , to accept a new geometry .
28 The team had to decide whether the firm should invest in a computer-controlled lathe .
29 The energy difference between the two terms is Δ , and so on this simple basis the electronic spectrum should consist of a single band whose energy gives Δ directly .
30 It was agreed that parliament should consist of a national assembly , which would be responsible for the preparation and adoption of principal pieces of legislation and which would control the budget , and a senate , which would represent the regions and would have the power to review , refer and delay legislation .
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