Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [verb] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The tenant 's adviser should seek to restrict the power to the making of reasonable regulations .
2 A solicitor for the Robinson family said that the staff at the hospital should have made a call to the Southern General .
3 He should have sent the child to me from the moment she could feed herself , Roirbak thought , sure Ari had been contaminated and spoiled by the life she 'd led at Taler 's Bump .
4 The jury 's note should have alerted the judge to problems that might occur .
5 Last week 's article ‘ What 's wrong with German Science ’ ( p 277 ) should have contained an acknowledgement to the generous help of Dr Christoph Schneider now at the Wissenschaftsrat ( Science Council ) in Köln .
6 She also knew that she should have reported the foul to Mike , who would then make an official complaint to the umpire , but she was too angry .
7 I should have put a stop to it . ’
8 ‘ You should have put a stop to it ! ’ said Florrie accusingly .
9 ( viii ) Pupils should extend and refine their competence in drafting , redrafting , rereading and revising , and proof-reading and should learn to judge the extent to which they need to use any or all of these processes in specific pieces of work .
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