Example sentences of "should [adv] be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 1 Gifts or free samples should only be given to the media for sampling purposes , to draw attention to a new , changed or ongoing product , or to say " thank you " .
2 If , as I think , significance should only be attached to the clear statements made by a minister or other promoter of the Bill , the difficulty of knowing what weight to attach to such statements is not overwhelming .
3 You will see from the notes and form that applications should only be directed to the Sports Council in respect of post holders of international bodies , ie those who have been elected in their own right and not those who are simply fulfilling a representative function .
4 This was a police matter , and such information should only be divulged to the legal teams , and possibly to the families , she said .
5 Application should normally be made to the appropriate education authority for grant aid before 1 June of the year in which the student wishes to enter a course , even though at that time the student may not have been offered a place .
6 A number of District Courts took the position on that issue that first resort should still be had to the Convention .
7 The Survey makes this point very clearly by showing that not far short of half of all defective items issued ( 42% ) were modern , 20th Century publications , a fact which underlines the danger of assuming that priority should automatically be given to the treatment of older material .
8 Reference should also be made to the section entitled Housing in Chapter 31 of this present volume .
9 Reference should also be made to the recent House of Lords decision in Kirklees MBC v. Wickes Building Supplies Ltd [ 1992 ] NLJ 967 .
10 Reference should also be made to the Specific Claims Handling Instructions , especially to calculate written down value .
11 Reference should also be made to the SCCC Advice on Progression from S3/S4 to S5/S6 .
12 Applications for mandatory approval under s 590 , TA 1988 and authorisations for schemes to invest in exempt unit trusts or to receive dividends without deduction of UK tax should also be sent to the Nottingham office .
13 To get a true feeling for the plan it should also be applied to the Principal because although you have been paying a fixed amount in each month the value of this has also decreased due to inflation .
14 The closest attention should also be given to the contents of such national museums as the British , Ashmolean , Science , Victoria & Albert , London , and the Fitzwilliam , all of which have incomparable collections of artifacts , documents , books , and all manner of relevant material .
15 That is to say , when there is a shift from traditional methods in the placement of black children then careful consideration should also be given to the implications that this will have for black children , the black community and adopters .
16 Mr Rees-Davies suggested that ‘ surely … if anonymity is to be given during a trial to the complainant , it should also be given to the accused ’ .
17 The examples used should be realistic and relevant to the pupils concerned Emphasis should also be given to the way in which percentages are used both for comparative purposes in many everyday situations and also as a numerical measure based on a 100-point scale of reference .
18 One of the Scottish Law Commission 's proposals was that if the area of devolution was sufficiently extensive , responsibility for the courts should also be transferred to the Scottish Assembly .
19 If it wants to decide on the level of that levy , that issue should also be left to the sector .
20 Skimmed milk and low fat spreads should also be preferred to the full fat equivalents in the family diet .
21 Some attention should also be paid to the amount and quality of teaching that goes on .
22 The formal letter should also be copied to the person with ultimate responsibility for the activity ( e.g. Director of Engineering , Director for Safety ) .
23 Science is a unity , and the test of simplicity should really be applied to the whole of science .
24 If , faute-de-mieux , it has to be accepted , notice should immediately be given to the company , making it clear that this is a notice which it can not disregard in relation to any lien it may claim , and an attempt should be made to obtain information about the amount , if any , then owed to the company .
25 Anyone else asking for information should immediately be referred to the manager who will take the responsibility of dealing with the enquiry .
26 Using this criterion it was possible to show that the damper inertia should be four times the total motor/load inertia ( including the housing inertia ) : and the viscous fluid constant should then be related to the stiffness and damper inertia by : If a well-matched damper is coupled into the system the improvement in the single-step response is achieved with a shorter settling time and lower overshoot , as shown in Fig. 4.13 .
27 Written authorisation from the publisher is required for returns , which should then be sent to the warehouse address on the authorisation .
28 Completed SPRs should then be sent to the SST offices in Chippenham .
29 Reference should then be made to the Environment Select Committee , and its staff , jointly with the promoters of the Bill , could settle the terms of reference and observe the final version of the EIS .
30 The interface should then be connected to the serial port of the host computer and the demo software listing loaded .
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