Example sentences of "look [adv] at the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The master raconteur looks back at the many amusing moments of his 47-year career at the BBC .
2 The Commission has also looked closely at the potential anticompetitive effects of vertical integration .
3 They were looking down at the new Japanese car factory , Sakata , which had just opened in Humberside .
4 Mary found herself looking down at the small dapper figure of Sidney Watkins , manager of the Berkeley Chase for the last ten years .
5 Looking down at the long fair hair flowing over her shoulders , at the skimpy dress , the unlived-in face , he felt immeasurably old for not wanting to sweep her off there and then and make passionate love to her .
6 Looking down at the pathetic little body lying so still on the table , she said , ‘ I 'd better leave him like this for Dawn to see .
7 ‘ Oh , she 's exquisite , ’ Ruth breathed ecstatically , looking down at the little dark-haired mite swaddled in a delicate white lace shawl , ‘ absolutely lovely . ’
8 She felt cold , and folded her arms across her chest as she walked slowly back to the house , looking down at the bloodstained front step .
9 ‘ Yes , speak of him , ’ said Llewelyn , looking down at the heavy ashen head that lay so still upon his arm .
10 We stand outside the Glass House for a moment , looking in at the dense green leaves pressing against the panes .
11 The important point to note as a summary here , is that the algorithms suggested for solving 30 out of 36 errors , would find the correct ( i.e. intended ) word by looking only at the top ranked candidate string , which neatly solves the problem described earlier of what to choose as a starting point for possible error correction , and avoids the potentially explosive situations .
12 Reaching the shed , I stepped over several mounds of brick and other rubble and went inside , looking carefully at the wet streaked brick walls searching for anything that could be identifiable with the depot .
13 She leaned on the files , making her sleeves grey with dust , looking up at the pale blue patches appearing and disappearing above the rooftops outside the window .
14 She lay back , looking up at the little discoloured ceiling .
15 ‘ Wing , ’ said Angalo , looking up at the feathery grey bodies looming over him .
16 Maybe in forty years time , people will be looking back at the good old days of the Nineties to see which rising stars started their careers playing North-East venues .
17 Looking intermittently at the so-called colonial art of Latin America in churches , museums , private collections and books , I became magnetised by the figures of angels .
18 The board flickered for a second or two , then slowly faded until it was gone , and Quiss was left sitting looking angrily at the small wooden table .
19 But now , looking out at the gusty darkening waste , she did remember .
20 Now I find I 'm getting " inspired top-off-the-brain " signals and ideas while travelling in an aeroplane — at the window and looking out at the snowy cotton-wool cloud land ( no artificial stimulants ! ) .
21 Instead , she went to the window and stood looking out at the vast starry sky .
22 The next day , some well-planted flowers and a nippy little spider that jumped quite considerable chasms to get to where it wanted to go showed me that juice was still to be had for Life and , quite soon after , I found bits of myself on a train looking out at the curious modern mixture of silver birch trees growing on slag heaps .
23 I missed my dad more than ever as I went into the house , ahead of the others , and climbed the drab stairs to lie on my bed , looking out at the bright blue sky above the street .
24 As he reached the landing he paused , looking around at the five closed doors that faced him .
25 Anne asked , looking curiously at the tall black ribbed bottle .
26 Looking round at the bare orderly room , the chairs pushed in beneath each desk , each typewriter shrouded in its plastic cover , I felt singularly bereft .
27 Looking specifically at the mid-range commercial systems marketplace , Wendler believes that by 1995 , users are likely to reach a point where the cost of implementing open systems will be less than to carry on as they are .
28 To look up at the towering medieval universe is much more like looking at a great building .
29 She had to look up at the glittering green eyes ; she could n't help herself ; she had to watch as Fincara stooped down before her , white hands on knees , and sang —
30 ‘ Although Tara never is really dark , ’ said Caspar as they stopped to look back at the great shining edifice outlined against the sky .
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