Example sentences of "look [adv] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed there are strong resemblances between them , especially when one looks back on them from the present day and across all that has happened in theology since Ritschl .
2 And she might have accepted that but for the wry flicker in the eyes of the reflection that had looked back at her from the bathroom mirror .
3 Looking down below them from the top , they saw that a small crater with the remains of a dried-up lake in it was emitting sulphurous vapours from several points .
4 His dark brows rose in astonishment at this attack and then he slid his arms round her and pulled her towards him , looking down at her with the sort of expression a grown-up reserved for a naughty child .
5 A week later he was in the chair at a meeting of the Humanist Society when he suddenly had a vision of Bill Brice looking down at him from the moulding in the corner of the ceiling with a crown of thorns on his head , and look of sweet forgiveness on his face ; whereupon he stood up and made a long , confused speech about the hunger for God that gnawed inside each of us , however stiff-necked and jeering we might be ; which caused great embarrassment to all those present , and even greater embarrassment later to progressive theologians on the staff , who felt that such old-fashioned emotive conversions could only undo all their good work .
6 Oliver was very surprised ; this was the same man he had bumped into once outside a pub , and seen another time with Fagin , looking in at him through the window of the country cottage .
7 So clearly now , the , there 's some merit in looking afresh at it in the light of five B , being able to match the kind of funding that 's available there .
8 She 'd bent down to pick up the purchases at her feet , and as she rose again she 'd caught sight of a face she knew , looking straight at her through the moving mesh of people .
9 Meredith , looking up at it in the sunshine , felt five years old again .
10 On the narrow bridge he stood in front of her again , blocking her way , looking back past her at the House .
11 She slipped it off its hanger and held it against herself and it was almost as if the face looking back at her from the mirror across it was fourteen years old again .
12 Looking back at her from the mirror , with eyes like saucers , was a small , olive-green frog .
13 He had a picture of her sitting permanently on the edge of a table at Dubal 's swinging one leg and looking out at him from the group she was with .
14 ‘ Bulgarian women have babies in hedges , ’ he said , looking vaguely about him at the north end of Sixth Avenue .
15 All the time those steady , golden eyes had fascinated her — and now they were looking steadily at her along the barrel of a gun .
16 The great , distinguished people of the world do not know that these beggars can in the pride of their souls , look down on them as the unfortunate ones , who are left on the shore for their worldly uses , but whose life ever misses the touch of the lover 's arms . ’
17 look down on you in the middle class !
18 Singly and in groups , these aristocratic figures look down on us from the walls of the Crousel-Robelin-Bama gallery , proud survivors of a vanishing world .
19 International art , culture and politics , as immortalised by Pino Settanni , look down on us from the walls of the Hadrian Thomas gallery until 28 June .
20 It 's alright , I 'll look out for you in the Pentam
21 Standing on that base , felt as solid but as yet unexamined , he can look ahead of him at the task , which is writing , in possession of the means to carry out that task , which is his language , but suddenly that vision is revealed as fantasy .
22 He looked thoughtfully from her to the dresser .
23 Above , Ruth 's white face looked down on her from the window .
24 She felt reassured from the article that other people suffered the same symptoms as she did , and could already identify her own propensity to jump to the conclusion that people looked down on her in the absence of any hard evidence .
25 The villagers looked down at it with the satisfaction of those who could n't swim and certainly would n't want to try .
26 He looked mischievously at her over the top of his paper .
27 Alice looked all around her at the flowers and the trees , but she could not see anything to eat .
28 ‘ Give me time , ’ and she looked away from him at the distant hills .
29 Aunt Emily looked away from her into the fire .
30 like a soft telescope , that it looked up along it at the sky
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