Example sentences of "look [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 BLUE PLANET 's sensational photography explores continents and oceans , and looks too at the forces that influence our environment : storms , volcanoes , earthquakes , typhoons and , perhaps the most powerful of all , Mankind .
2 As the sky lightened even more and they began to make out their surroundings more clearly , Fenella and Caspar both found themselves looking out for the signs that Floy had hoped to leave .
3 It would also bring deep depression to many members of communities who are looking forward to the bypasses that the present Government have promised .
4 Oak trees look down on the palms that bring a sub-tropical feel to the rest of the gardens .
5 We will all look carefully at the conclusions that it draws from its work and from the evidence submitted to it .
6 Look out for the things that you CAN do at school , and develop those as much as possible .
7 And yet the impact on us is considerable , and I 'm seriously wondering whether the major spending committees ought not to look again at the budgets that they 're erm , and I 've discussed this with , and obviously education is the big problem , but er , I 'm not convinced that erm , the sums of money which we 're being asked to pay out , not be taken from the education budget without too dra drastic an effect on the school .
8 The Doctor looked up from the screens that everyone in the chamber had been silently watching .
9 I looked around for the changes that Leithen had mentioned .
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