Example sentences of "look [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 With one assistant , she looks after the legal work for the whole of the company , undertakes the company secretarial work and attends Board meetings .
2 God Almighty , Janine , you 've never once looked after the bloody kid for a whole day since it was born ! ’
3 If one looks beyond the picturesque formula for the foregrounds of figures , animals or rocks to the hills , lakes or sky , the prints have a delicacy and personality all of their own .
4 Cohen looks to the educational system for his explanation of delinquency .
5 It is good for managers who can concentrate on their core activities , looking for the best deal for their customers .
6 This suggests , once again , that comprehension experiments may have been looking in the wrong place for evidence of young children 's linguistic competence .
7 If DOS fails to match the first word of your input to its list of internal commands , it will start looking on the hard disk for a COM , EXE or BAT file with that name .
8 looking at the other person for at least half the time and holding eye contact for a complete thought ( usually about five seconds )
9 The right hon. Gentleman said that the previous set of talks had concluded , and that we were looking at the new basis for talks .
10 We both argued that the levels of er housing development in Craven , Harrogate and to a lesser extent perhaps Amblet Hambleton should not be constrained , so as to reduce erm the the steady trickle if I can describe it as that of migration from the West Yorkshire conurbation to those areas , in perhaps er l looking at the different proposal for the new settlement which might be located in the Leeds York corridor .
11 So can we now move in the formal sense to looking at the next issue for discussion , which covers policy H two , the Greater York new settlement , and the first part of the issue which we shall address is , does the proposed Greater York new settlement represent an appropriate and justified policy response to the assessed development land requirements of the Greater York area , and I 'll ask Mr Davis to make his introductory statement .
12 When you know what the job is and what sort of person you would like to employ your next step is to look in the ideal place for applicants of the right calibre .
13 I shall have to look in the dead box for something to wear tonight .
14 The international legal identity of the inhabitants of a mandate territory was also raised in Namibia , where the International Court of Justice recognised that ‘ the injured entity is a people which must look to the international community for assistance in its progress towards the goals for which the sacred trust was instituted . ’
15 She has been willing to look outside the civil service for advice on policy — to various ‘ think tanks ’ and individuals who have often reinforced her scepticism about traditional departmental policy views .
16 ‘ Now , let's look on the dark side for a moment . ’
17 So while I 'm not suggesting that you buy every gauge ( though that would be many a machine knitter 's idea of heaven , I guess ! ) , when working out what machine(s) you want for the yarns you want to knit most , look at the optimum yarn for each gauge .
18 If you look at the strategic guidance for West and South Yorkshire , and I fully admit that we still have to see the erm the colour of regional guidance .
19 Now can I er also suggest to you that in discussing this one outstanding item of the housing land allocations , we pursue virtually the same sort of approach that we did yesterday , er and in fact if you look at what is set down under matter One D for discussion , it says is the provision proposed for the Greater York area including the new settlement appropriate etcetera , and in fact when you look at the first item for discussion under the Greater York new settlement issue , we come straight into , does Greater York new settlement represent an appropriate and justified policy response , etcetera .
20 Look at the other person for approximately 60 per cent of the time
21 Look at the other person for less than 50 per cent of the time .
22 I look at the false leg for a bit while he pulls up his trouser leg .
23 Coun Taylor said : ‘ We are always ready to talk and look at the statistical evidence for increased safety measures .
24 This research project aims to look at the philosophical basis for the new 1980s environmentalism with special reference to economic concepts of sustainability familiar to resource and environmental economists .
25 You have to look at the whole team for that .
26 I looked into the little mirror for just a moment .
27 He looked round the enormous room for her .
28 Claudia looked in the long mirror for the last time , and her breath caught in her throat ; that beautiful bride could n't be her .
29 Increasingly they looked to the central government for more grants and financial help .
30 Their social circle was more geographically widespread and they looked beyond the local village for their friends and kin .
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