Example sentences of "should be do in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This should be done in a way that enables cleaning to be efficient without interfering .
2 This should be done in a way that will encourage primary care practitioners and their hospital based colleagues to collaborate on patient management .
3 Stating the US position on May 29 , Cheney said that " whatever is done in the European context should be done in a way that strengthens the alliance " .
4 All our respondents agreed that the new qualifications should be based on a structure of mandatory and optional units , though the strong view was expressed that this should be done in a way that allowed plenty of flexibility .
5 The Government had decided that every occupation in the country should be ‘ NVQ 'd ’ and that tests should be done in the work place .
6 Second , it must be shown that there was no expression of view made by the person as to what should be done in the event that he became incompetent , or , if there were such an expression of view , that it was made when the patient was already incompetent .
7 In addition , the Six noted ‘ that there is a divergence of views on what should be done in the event of a failure to reach complete agreement ’ , but that ‘ this divergence does not prevent the Community 's work being resumed in accordance with the normal procedure ’ .
8 I know you have done a C C Q on yourself and we 've looked at each page in detail but I think until you actually do it yourself and maybe write little prompts to let you know what 's on the next page so you can signpost it most effectively to move round the C C Q as opposed to you dri er as opposed to it driving you , you can drive it , but that should be done in the fullness of time but I do recommend you do it before you actually do your first full appointment cos it might pay you .
9 Knowledge of the extent of this variation is required , especially on what are likely to he the worst conditions , and if possible sampling should be done in the winter and spring in the British Isles , when the run-off after rain tends to be heavy , as well as in the summer .
10 that I would also put it on in relation to your , to , to , to , to , to your Lordship and to considering the matter in interim , your Lordship has er , erm , er heard er the information that had been put forward er by the society , you have seen the er information about the position the commission has taken , your Lordship knows that the commission was informed about both the act and all the relevant byelaws in the present case , the precursored , the central fund byelaw was informally proved by the commission Mrs has sworn on affidavit that the society has never been given any indication that the matters in issue in the European Law Defence are contrary to competition rules and your Lordship also has the answer by the commission to the European parliament which is exhibited to Mrs affidavit and which I took your Lordship to earlier and of which judicial note can be taken by virtual section three , two of the European communities act , so my Lord we say that there is already a body of information which provides a basis if one has to consider what should be done in the interim of saying that in the interim the application of the act and the application for byelaws should be maintained , the third element my Lord is the intimate link between the recoveries of money for the central fund , er under the byelaw and the implementation of the United Kingdom 's operations under directive seventy three , two , three , nine , we 've been over this before my Lord erm , my Lord is , is aware of the intimate link er between the er recovery of monies to central fund , the maintenance solvency and the paying of policy holders .
11 well that maybe true , but I think it 's working off an analogy on that , turning it the other way round and saying well erm if , if I got to the stage of erm , well possibly even seeking some information from the commission , well certainly if I gave you a conclusion for example , that it should be referred , erm and I think again even if I came to the conclusion that I should neither want , er there 's no point in seeking information from the Commission , nor should I refer it , or at least refer to the stage erm what his clients would be saying should be done in the interim and what he says in effect , for the reason he 's outlined is , er that we should proceed on the basis of erm the validity of the act erm and of the byelaws
12 However , I am not sure that everybody who looked at what can and should be done in the Province would necessarily agree with all the elements of the policy that he put forward .
13 Only a month ago we were told by the Engineering Council that technology lessons under the national curriculum were a ‘ farce ’ — and teachers did n't have a clue what they should be doing in the classroom .
14 Erm it would be extremely difficult t for them not to occupy our thoughts , I 'm not sure whether your question is is inviting me to consider what the European Community should be doing in the context of Bosnia .
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