Example sentences of "should be [vb pp] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Yet since 1987 , the level of child sexual abuse diagnosed in Cleveland has been shown to be no higher than elsewhere in the country , and an increasing number of people locally take the view that she should be treated in the same way as myself — allowed to return to work as a paediatrician in Cleveland , but restricted from working in child abuse for the time being .
2 It is possible for teachers to keep a personal notebook which does not form part of the record and is not open to subject access , but if information is intended to be used officially and passed on to the next teacher it should be treated in the same way as the formal record .
3 It should be treated in the same way as pinch pleat tape .
4 These headings need a minimum fullness of twice the track length and calculations should be treated in the same way as for pinch pleat heading , but allowing for more pleats ( ‘ tubes ’ ) of a smaller size and closer spacing .
5 New draft guidance on the procedures for the outgoing and successor firm when a client decides to change advisers , issued by the Chartered Accountants ' Joint Ethics Committee , puts greater emphasis on the fact that any change in a continuing appointment , such as tax or accounting work , should be treated in the same way as a change of auditors .
6 For this purpose , we propose that all the covenants in a lease should be treated in the same way , whether or not at present they touch and concern the land .
7 When public funds are required to support someone in private care the needs of that person should be assessed in the same way as for admission to statutory care and admission should depend on the results of that assessment .
8 The main problem seems to derive from the positivist expectation that social explanation of soil erosion should be tested in the same way as most natural science ones .
9 The book argues that the blitz should be seen in the same light as the Battle of the Atlantic , which aimed to inflict economic damage on Britain , rather than as a terror attack intended to undermine the morale of citizens .
10 The amount attributed to non-equity minority interests and their associated finance cost should be calculated in the same manner as that for non-equity shares .
11 Any particle should be fished in the same way you fish with maggots or casters : feed a generous quantity into the swim initially , then little and often as the day wears on , the total quantity obviously varying according to how well the carp are feeding .
12 The measurement across the page can be in whatever units you are happy with ; picas , millimetres , etc , but the vertical measurements should be done in the same units as your leading .
13 Other projects competing for company resources should be analysed in the same way and ranked according to the levels of pay-off for each .
14 Other projects competing for company resources should be analysed in the same way and ranked according to the levels of pay-off for each .
15 A busy advice centre can be a valuable source of work and should be cultivated in the same way as an important client .
16 It would not be unusual , however , to provide ( Clause 7.02 ) that new capital should be provided in the same proportions as the original contributions unless otherwise agreedwhich would at any rate provide the basis for subsequent negotiation when additional funding is found to be required .
17 The issue of equality struck a similar chord in all responses ; a resounding yes , they should be considered in the same way , and that means , as Kat said , ‘ being asked about music , not gender or clothes ’ .
18 Yet if the example is modified a little , so that the overtaking is on a country road at night and the risk is known to be slight , it becomes questionable whether the causing of death in these circumstances should be labelled in the same way as intentional killings .
19 Chevron 's decision to use a purpose-built vessel for storage poses a problem for authorities responsible for offshore safety : they will have to decide if it should be classified in the same way as a conventional ship or regarded as part of a fixed installation .
20 Propositions about order in space too should be interpreted in the same manner .
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