Example sentences of "should be [vb pp] as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He blamed France for the delay , which he said was caused by Paris 's continuing insistence that Strasbourg should be confirmed as the permanent site of the EC Parliament 's plenary sessions .
2 1812 " It is proposed that the Clergymen of the Island shall … convene the poor of their respective Parishes , & to such as they find needy , to issue a Ticket of his or her name & Parish Written thereon , who only should be served as the Poor , & impostures excluded — It is Represented to this Meeting that a number of Beggars keep dogs at home and abroad — and as Scarcity is apprehended , it is considered proper that every person should this year Discharge every unnecessary Dog … "
3 If in both cases passive surrender to an omnipotent phantasied father-figure is the centre of the conflict , then it is intelligible that this should be projected as the infantile equivalent of castrating , homosexual , anal rape .
4 Parental responsibility should be treated as the greatest and most important undertaking of human life , albeit the one potentially holding out the promise of the greatest happiness .
5 A paper suggested that , in keeping with the selection of the management team , Mickey Mouse should be adopted as the official mascot .
6 When the County Planning Committee considered the western relief road on the third of March nineteen ninety two , they resolved that a western relief road for Harrogate was environmentally unacceptable , that the Harrogate and Knaresborough southern bypass used in conjunction with the proposed A one motorway should be seen as the preferred route for north bound traffic originating to the south of Harrogate , and that the ultimate selection and implementation of a relief road for Harrogate and Knaresborough should be part of a package of measures for solving the problem of urban congestion and improving the quality of the urban environment .
7 We should ask if it is product ( end ) or problem ( origin ) that should be seen as the generic base of what design is ' — not as a challenge to construct a dialectical , interactionist model of design activity , which takes each of these moments seriously as a necessary moment or characteristic of " what design is " , but as an affront to rationalism .
8 This contract should be reconsidered as the elderly person 's progress or ‘ career ’ in the home is reviewed on a regular quarterly or half yearly basis , with the same social worker still responsible , and the family present or represented , along with the old person .
9 Perhaps , he writes , democracy should be reconsidered as the universal option for all nations .
10 In the case of a policy underwritten on the basis of ‘ New for Old ’ or an agreed value , any payment should be regarded as the net outlay of the Direct Insurer and should be accepted without question by the other Insurer .
11 Which , in each case , should be regarded as the relevant contract in order for the transaction as a whole to satisfy the internationality require-ment ?
12 Here , then , we have the most obvious , the most important , opportunity for bridge-building , so obvious and important in fact that , in my view — and here I echo a judgment of Stephen Clark 's which in times past I fiercely denied — an individual 's or organisation 's position on ‘ meat-eating ’ , so-called , should be regarded as the decisive litmus test of their moral credibility .
13 The degree of risk created by the bad driving should be regarded as the crucial factor ; it is not so much a question of whether the sentence should be more severe when the risk eventuates , as whether the sentence should be more lenient when the risk does not materialize .
14 Although it is sometimes useful for approximate calculations to suppose that ν T is an ( empirical ) constant , in general ( 19.18 ) should be regarded as the defining equation of ν T rather than an equation for .
15 ‘ Whether the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or the Stanze of Raphael should be regarded as the culminating effort of modern art , has long been the subject of controversy ’ ; but they both received double asterisks .
16 Except in regions of very low rainfall April should be regarded as the safest month for sowing herbage seeds .
17 It should be recognised as the only organisation that the deaf mutes of the whole United Kingdom can look to as the protector of their interests , and they should have something they can depend upon .
18 Fourth , a chief executive officer should be appointed as the undisputed head of the paid officers of the local authority .
19 The question of whether the cash equivalent of a benefit to an employee should be calculated as the marginal cost or average cost of providing the benefit is currently under consideration by the House of Lords , in the case of Pepper v Hart .
20 The question of whether the cash equivalent of providing a benefit to an employee should be calculated as the marginal cost or average cost of providing the benefit is currently under consideration by the House of Lords in the case of Pepper v Hart .
21 Expressions such as " to insure adequately " and " to insure to the full value of the property " should be amended as the former covenant could be complied with if the cover equates to that recommended by the insurance company , and the latter could be interpreted as meaning the full market value of the property and , as such , could be less than the cost of reinstatement .
22 On the basis of the unusual sequence divergence displayed by pou[c] throughout the POU domain , we suggest that pou[c] should be placed as the sole member of a new , sixth class of POU family proteins ( see Fig. 3 ) .
23 This process , of devising solutions for particular needs , should be recognized as the natural course of development in all engineering situations ( as opposed to a science-based approach where general principles would be extracted ) .
24 In view of its clear advantages over the other lasers , whose rate of energy delivery does not match the predicted physical behaviour of the blood vessels , we suggest that the pulsed dye laser should be offered as the first line treatment for portwine stains whenever possible .
25 In the Soviet view foreign bases in the Indian Ocean should be dismantled as the first step towards the establishment of a zone of peace in the region .
26 It should be remembered that the policy document is the definitive statement of cover and should be used as the prime reference document .
27 ‘ Dalglish is the first ex-Liverpool manager to return to Anfield in over 70yearsscharge of a new Dalglish 's decision to abandon the club in the run-in to the 1990-91 season still rankles with many around Merseyside , but Souness insists that should not affect the warmth of his reception , saying : ‘ Kenny should be remembered as the greatest player this club has had and as a successful manager .
28 However , if the UIC was [ C2168 , ABC ] then this UIC should be specified as the third parameter .
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