Example sentences of "should be [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That an injunction should be granted to enforce the competition rules
2 We should be helping to conserve the environment and discouraging the unnecessary destruction of trees . ’
3 There was to be an additional consultation with the two judges which would take place after the prisoner had served three years of his sentence , so that the Secretary of State could receive at that stage their advice on the total period which should be served to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence .
4 So we should be looking to take the initiative and , in a controlled manner , working as a team with our suppliers and ensuring they know exactly what we want .
5 Jane knew from bitter experience that love is a rare thing , so she felt very strongly that nothing should be allowed to come in its way , that nobody should be condemned to endure the rest of life with those two small , sad words : ‘ if only … . ’
6 If the operation is successful , LIFESPAN will display the identifier of a mail message which should be viewed to determine the outcome of the requested module transfer .
7 If the operation is successful , LIFESPAN will display the identifier of a mail message which should be viewed to determine the outcome of the requested module transfer .
8 If any modules have been marked for transfer , LIFESPAN will display the identifier of a mail message which should be viewed to determine the outcome of the requested module transfer .
9 If the operation is successful , LIFESPAN will display the identifier of a mail message which should be viewed to determine the outcome of the requested installation/deinstallation .
10 In other words , everyone should be aiming to meet the requirements first time , every time and without errors .
11 Again , the suggestion has been made that in cases where a woman 's SB is withdrawn because she is found/thought to be cohabiting , a ‘ tiding over ’ allowance should be made to ease the adjustment .
12 In terms of access to modules , the user hierarchy should be made to reflect the project or organisational structure in operation , since only members of the same branch of a family automatically have access to each other 's software .
13 Irresponsible owners should be made to see the threat they cause not only to dogs , but to the responsible dog owner .
14 " How strange it is , " mused Fleury , feeling the futility of everything yet at the same time enjoying the feeling , " that these millions of wings , with all their wonderful machinery of nerves and muscles , should be made to serve the purpose of a single flight .
15 In their view the Commission should be allowed to complete its task , and that new appointments should be made to replace the members who had resigned .
16 The conference resolved that every effort should be made to retain the services of an outstanding tutor-organiser , the architect and pilot of the rural scheme , to ensure its development on a secure , permanent basis .
17 For example , the placing of the head : a dynamic , powerful man should be made to fill the canvas , whereas children 's heads are better placed low on the canvas .
18 Generally , interim payments should not be made and every attempt should be made to settle the claim by one payment .
19 The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole , and also no attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul , and therefore if the head and body are to be well you must begin by curing the mind : that is the first thing … .
20 No attempt should be made to allocate the proceeds of the instrument between that which relates to the liability and any other element .
21 Whoever was the ‘ brains ’ behind CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS : THE DISCOVERY ( Cert 15 ; General ) should be made to walk the plank .
22 to agree the number of offers conditional upon A level performance that should be made to meet the admission targets for the fields and the Modular Course ;
23 ( f ) Insurance The appropriate changes should be made to delete the husband 's name from the policy and add that of the new husband .
24 Finally , the map representing ‘ Italy in the sixteenth century ’ should be made to show the boundaries between states more clearly and to narrow its time-frame to a period when they remained exactly the same .
25 The idea that constitutional changes should be made to reduce the power of ‘ demand groups ’ may be objected to on both political and logical grounds .
26 Fergie should be made to surrender the title Duchess of York .
27 Further efforts should be made to enhance the vitality of the enterprises , especially the large and medium-sized state-run enterprises …
28 We therefore believe , that in unclear cases of severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding a vigorous attempt should be made to identify the lesion to avoid unnecessary surgery .
29 Both documents are marketing documents , not merely factual ones , and effort should be made to present the company in the most favourable manner .
30 Such employers should be made to pay the price of the crime , they should be fined heavily , or even imprisoned .
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