Example sentences of "should have [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He was in any case visibly touched that I should have gone to the lengths of copying the essay ; but in those days no other method of putting him in possession of it was available .
2 I should have gone to the children 's matinée but the serial , Spider Man , was too frightening .
3 ‘ We should have gone with the others .
4 The bride died without issue in 1482 , at which stage the land should have reverted to the heirs general , since a widower had no title in his wife 's land unless there were children of the marriage .
5 The bride died without issue in 1482 , at which stage the land should have reverted to the heirs general , since a widower had no title in his wife 's land unless there were children of the marriage .
6 Endara 's wife , Ana Mae Díaz de Endara , 25 , whose growing influence over government appointments and policy was widely resented , was declared persona non grata in the region after publicly stating following the Colón riots that the police should have fired into the groups of demonstrators .
7 You should have stayed with the women . ’
8 Afterwards he asked himself whether he did all that he should have done about the miners and the working men .
9 But he goes on , he goes on and the body of his evidence my Lord is to speculate as to what he would have done and what Mr should have done in the circumstances of this er case and reference is made to the professional conduct guide in paragraph three two .
10 The C E C have had twelve months , the sections have been up and running , they should have learnt from the experiences over the last twelve months because all that they 've done is presented us with the same document with the exclusion of the one issue of the two year conference .
11 ‘ I should have left with the kings and forgotten my home .
12 It is hard to believe that the success of a Medau Teacher Training Course ( and therefore our regional development ) should have to depend on the proceeds of a raffle , but that 's just how it was in the late '60s in MANCHESTER .
13 ‘ You should have whipped off the trousers and said the jacket was a mini-dress , ’ said literary agent Felicity Bryan , who remembers doing just that at the Tory Carlton Club 20 years ago .
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