Example sentences of "may not [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus there is generally a presumption that business agreements are intended to be legally binding , and the courts generally accept an element of imprecision in business agreements so that " the dealings of men may so far as possible be treated as effective and that the law may not incur the reproach of being the destroyer of bargains " ( per Lord Tomlin in Hillas v Arcos [ 1932 ] All ER Rep 494 , at p499 ) .
2 If this happens , the student may not form the habit of checking the situation after every turn and of making his own decision about when to turn back .
3 As in so many other matters , the judge should be given the discretion to tell the press that they may not publicise the name of a person , because to do so would be in contempt of court .
4 President Milosevic of Serbia may not want a fight in Kosovo , since the current campaign of slow ethnic cleansing is doing quite well .
5 Candidates may not leave an examination until half-an-hour after it has commenced , or within the last ten minutes , except with the permission of the senior invigilator .
6 A goal may or may not be scored ; the abbot may or may not admit the refugee from justice .
7 There is an immediate paradox here though : attempted murder may not involve the infliction of any harm at all , since a person who shoots at another and misses may still be held guilty of attempted murder .
8 JOHN GLENDINNING explains why life offices may not return the value of a pension fund if the policyholder dies before retiring
9 There are numerous difficulties in making an historical study which depends entirely on written evidence , which may not represent the experience of the mass of children , and is at best a distillation of the views of the literate classes .
10 While evangelism may not represent the totality of mission , it rests at its heart .
11 You may not register a mark for services , such as consultancies , banking , engine tuning or education .
12 I applaud the impartial stance of the General Medical Council , mirrored in the ‘ Alaska law , ’ which states : ‘ the Board may not base a finding of professional incompetence solely on the basis that a licensee 's practice is unconventional or experimental , in the absence of demonstrable physical harm to the patient . ’
13 There are lesser seas which must also be included , in particular the fifteen around the islands of the East Indian archipelago : the Sulu , Celebes and Molucca Seas , the Gulf of Tomini , the Halmahera , Ceram , Banda , Arafura ( which may or may not contain the Gulf of Carpentaria , depending on which atlas is used ) , Timor and Flores Seas , the Gulf of Boni , the Bali Sea , the Makassar Strait , the Java and Savu Seas ; and there is the Gulf of Thailand , the Strait of Malacca , the Singapore Strait and the Inland Sea of Japan .
14 Before the elections of 1964 , 1966 , and 1970 , real personal disposable income was rising at more than double its normal rate of growth — so supporting the political business cycle thesis , but Alt suggests that these " short pre-election spurts may not do the government of the day all that much good , and there is no evidence that they do ( at least if short-term enough ) the economy any particular harm " .
15 Where the third party act is negligent , it may or may not break the chain of causation .
16 In relation to the example of the headship issue , it would follow that although a woman may not hold a position of authority in the church , she may be prime minister .
17 It is , nevertheless , submitted that the Court may not review the outcome of that consideration except in the circumstances outlined above .
18 Members can present petitions at the close of business of the House each day , but in future should we disregard them because people have merely put their signatures to something which , according to the Minister , they may not give a damn about ?
19 York winner Sabre Rattler will be backed for the big two-year-old race , but may not give the weight to Urry Urry Urry ( 3.00 ) .
20 If you use it to compare the alcohol contents of a wine and a beer , remember that you 'll probably drink more beer than wine so the % alcohol figures may not give an indication of the amount of alcohol you are really drinking .
21 Work like this requires continuing enthusiasm of a kind that may not outlast the departure of the original members , and their replacement with new people .
22 The numbers of science graduates leaving universities can be estimated , but this may not reflect the number of people going on to take up careers in science .
23 One of the problems with this measure is that because different journals may have different average numbers of references per paper , a count of citations may not reflect the impact of that paper .
24 Second , we should recognise that a two-party dominance in the House of Commons may not reflect the pattern of electoral support in the country at large since our first-past-the-post electoral system makes it difficult for third parties to break through into parliament in proportion to their support in the country .
25 A third response is to agree that as things are presently constituted females do end up with poorer spatial visualisation skills by adolescence ( which may or may not affect the learning of mathematics ) , but then claim that the reason for this outcome is differential male-female learning experiences .
26 Heseltine may not prove as co-operative as his DTI forebears and , while he may not earn the adulation of predators such as Hanson , he will increasingly enjoy the appreciation of potential targets , such as ICI , Trafalgar House and Vickers .
27 A may not terminate the contract on the ground that B has committed a breach by not opening a confirmed credit — but he may insist that B opens a confirmed credit within a reasonable time and , if B does not do so , he will then be in breach of contract .
28 Outside legal doctrine itself there has been a greater willingness to accept that in the large public company the shareholders may not perform the task of monitoring and controlling the management of the company , so that the managers are potentially left in a position of unchecked power .
29 The most interesting condition occurs under item 9 ( Liability of seller ) : Under the Trade Descriptions Act , SLAD may not stipulate the period of time of this warranty , but it recommends that its members guarantee the authenticity of what they are selling for a period of six years .
30 Sometimes a constipated child may not pass a stool for two to three weeks , with embarrassing toilet-blocking results ; suppositories and enemas just add to his humiliation and discomfort .
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