Example sentences of "may be [vb pp] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Providing patients with information on admission to hospital and throughout their stay may be acknowledged as an important part of nursing but frequently , discharge is a very rushed affair .
2 Although it is not in itself part of the system which generates intensional structures , and we shall not make the term part of our fundamental descriptive apparatus , we may say that the property of an adjective applies to an entity when the language user takes the property which it designates to be valid ( in positive statements ) for some entity which he or she also recognizes ( even if the entity itself may be acknowledged as an imaginary one ) .
3 There is , however , another dimension to the debate , and this appears from the CLRC 's view that , where reckless driving causes death , this should not affect the label of the offence but may be treated as an aggravating factor in sentencing in appropriate cases .
4 The effect of the decision in Aveling Barford is that where a company has no retained earnings , a transfer by it to a sister company which is known to be at an under value may be treated as an unauthorised return of capital .
5 It is particularly common amongst ex-judo players , and may be caused by an awkward fall .
6 A crisis may be caused by an actual or threatened loss or hazardous event , which challenges and outstrips the actual coping capacity of the client and/or the family ( Caplan , 1961 ) .
7 It may be caused by an accidental or inadvertent release from an industrial plant , and the effects may range from annoyance ( e.g. odour ) through minor illness or discomfort ( nose , eye and breathing irritation , coughing , nausea ) to , in some cases , serious illness or even death as happened at Seveso , Bhopal and Chernobyl ( table 7.3 ) .
8 This latest controversy follows a report published yesterday in the British Medical Journal which suggests childhood leukaemia may be caused by an unidentified infectious agent , such as a virus .
9 Since an injunction may be granted on an interlocutory basis pending trial ( which may not take place for many months ) and , in cases of great urgency , on an ex parte basis , it is clear that there is a possibility of the union side being robbed of the initiative in an industrial action .
10 An organic cause ( acute confusional state or brain syndrome ) may be differentiated from an acute functional psychosis by the presence of abnormal neurological signs , particularly clouding of consciousness .
11 A eurobond may be defined as an international bond issue underwritten by an international syndicate of banks , and sold principally in countries other than that of the currency of denomination .
12 In the words of Dirac a state of motion of a system may be defined as an undisturbed motion that is restricted by as many conditions or data as are theoretically possible without mutual interference or contradiction .
13 Such a portfolio may be illustrated by an inverted pyramid with the most liquid assets at the base , as shown in Fig. 1 .
14 Although some form of IV estimator seems required , prior to 1987 Q3 the best instrument is the actual variable itself ( since it may be regarded as an exogenous variable ) .
15 In my view , that provision lends support to the view that a receiver appointed over the property of an unregistered company may be regarded as an administrative receiver within the meaning of the Act of 1986 .
16 Life may be regarded as an austere struggle , blighted by fate , where only the rich and the lucky fare well .
17 Bulgaria was an autonomous though tributary principality under the suzerainty of the sultan ; it may be regarded as an independent state although a weak one .
18 H1 and H5 are homologous , and H5 , which is the predominant form of linker histone in avian erythrocytes , may be regarded as an extreme variant of H1 .
19 In the parable of the unjust steward , our Lord applauds the cleverness , astuteness and prudence of the unjust steward and in conclusion addresses his listeners , ‘ Use your worldly wealth to win friends for yourselves so that when money is a thing of the past you may be received into an eternal home ’ ( Luke 16:9 ) .
20 Stringent control may be placed on an industrial plant in an area of non-compliance while an identical plant in an area of compliance may be subject to little or no control .
21 Disclosure of transactions with an individual related party may be made on an aggregate basis unless disclosure of an individual transaction is necessary for proper understanding .
22 Complaint may be made by an individual or by a body of persons , for example a residents association and should be directed in writing to an M.P .
23 Application for an IVA may be made by an undischarged bankrupt or , more likely , by a person who , being insolvent , would be able to petition for his or her own bankruptcy .
24 An exporter to reduce his foreign exchange risk may borrow in the currency of his expected export receipt or an importer may require a currency loan to pay for imports which may be re-processed for an overseas market .
25 Anyone except persons of British nationality eligible for corporate membership of the Institute may be elected as an Honorary Fellow because of his or her ‘ eminence and interest in architecture and the arts and sciences connected therewith ’ .
26 It is even conceivable that in the future the bubble policy may be applied to an entire city .
27 As habitus , this distinction between the Kantian and anti-Kantian aesthetic is both derived from material conditions , and in turn provides an insight into a classificatory scheme which may be applied to an infinite number of actual material and consumption domains .
28 The attitude of the family has implications for the style of initial assessment carried out by the psychiatrist ; if the psychiatrist realises from the outset that other agencies are involved then consent of the family for reports may be obtained at an early stage .
29 We have noticed that Lawrence uses few pronouns , and to some extent the definite article may be seen as an alternative device of cross-reference , less ambiguous , because it is accompanied by a noun identifying a previous reference .
30 An interesting type of instruction is the search or scan instruction , which may be seen as an iterated compare .
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