Example sentences of "may be [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Second , since intervention is often directed at the areas of relative weakness in a child 's linguistic abilities , it may be helpful to identify what these are and to what extent they are likely to impair the child 's ability to communicate in a variety of settings .
2 By viewing the entire drawing it may be possible to deduce its intended function .
3 It is worth getting an early estimate of what your pension will be , as it may be possible to improve your national insurance contribution record by making additional Class 3 voluntary contributions .
4 ( 13 ) If the cash for the bid is to be raised by a rights issue of the bidder ( cash placings to selected shareholders or third parties are strongly resisted by the IPCs without shareholders being offered pre-emption entitlements , particularly if the issue is at a significant discount ) , then it may be necessary to increase its authorised share capital and directors ' authority to implement the rights issue and , if the issue will not comply with the strict statutory requirements of CA 1985 , s89 , to pass a special resolution to disapply that section .
5 The form may be a simple balance sheet or alternatively it may be necessary to prepare something equivalent to annual statutory accounts including details such as a cash flow statement complying with Financial Reporting Standard No 1 which replaces statements of source and application of funds provided under SSAP No 10 .
6 It is advisable to fix your track first , as it may be necessary to alter its planned position .
7 In particular , ‘ Interception may be necessary to protect our national security at international level to provide secret intelligence in the foreign and defence areas .
8 Since the paratone is a much less familiar concept than the orthographic paragraph , it may be useful to have its identifying features described .
9 He may be willing to use his new powers as executive president to brush aside resistance .
10 Second , the merged company may be able to use its financial power as distinct from its power derived from current market share .
11 An important point to remember is that a widow may be able to use her late husband 's NI contributions to boost the amount she receives .
12 If you are divorced , you may be able to use your former spouse 's contributions to improve your own pension entitlement , provided that you have not remarried before reaching pension age .
13 ’ I am writing in the hope that you may be able to give me some positive information regarding the money I am supposed to live on .
14 The Minister , who has access to more information than I have and who is ably supported by his civil servants , may be able to give us more news on that front this morning .
15 A professional chimney sweep may be able to give you some indication of the flue 's condition from the type of debris his brush brings down .
16 Your parents may be able to give you some home-prepared compost .
17 He may be able to give you some idea what the road is like further on . ’
18 Recent research shows that you may be able to predict your own destiny — and even change it — by checking your body 's blood-cholesterol levels .
19 It 's only the inefficient producers that support their agricultures , because it 's those inefficient producers that need support , erm , so , in the , in the long run , world supply , world supply will contract , but in the short run , you know , farmers in these er , efficient countries of the world may well erm , continue in production because they may , may be able to cut their average variable costs , it 's only when in , in the long run , you know , providing farmers can cover their average variable costs , they 'll continue in production in the short run .
20 Reading a chapter in a book wo n't give you either of these , but it may be able to offer you some explanations , understanding and suggestions for further development .
21 There are those whose keenest pleasures in their job are to be found outside the class-room , in informal contacts with their pupils , where they may be able to exercise their own skills or pursue their own hobbies while helping others enjoy the same pleasures .
22 While it may be difficult to keep them flat , examining peels unmounted has the advantage of being able to use oblique incident and transmitted light combinations to increase contrast , and for viewing the relief more effectively to gain a three-dimensional effect .
23 The method is of special advantage in cases when a seller delivers an epitome of title accompanied by photographic copies of the title documents , some perhaps complicated and lengthy ; in such a case it may be expedient to make your own " notes on title " on the epitome itself to save duplication of documents .
24 They may be prepared to build their own checks into ordering referring unscheduled or non-conforming orders to unit management for specific authorisation before actioning .
25 Readers less familiar with these studies may be interested to weigh their own experience against the research evidence .
26 The existence of other colleagues is an obvious source of satisfaction and help : he needs their advice ; he may be glad to have their personal help with the students , perhaps supervising or guiding a group , or talking to the entire class ; and he needs their selections and productions .
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