Example sentences of "may be [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While it may be straightforward to think of school development planning , teacher appraisal , the identifying of remediable faults and the training or retraining of teachers as one set of loosely connected but manageable disciplines , it is less straightforward but equally urgent to expect that other connections should be more systematically organized in order to give assurances of quality .
2 Ormsby from the Weld stable is joint top weight with Salmon Eile but 10st is a lot of poundage to carry and it may be best to rely on Loki who rather disappointed at the Curragh last Saturday but who should be given another chance if going to the post .
3 ( It may be helpful to think in terms of some specific cooperative task , like the production of a building or a machine . )
4 In reading it , it may be helpful to bear in mind the generalization that the life of the College falls broadly into two epochs each lasting almost exactly one century .
5 We may be better getting outside caterers .
6 The important thing to bear in mind is that the walls are retaining ones and anything longer than about 2.5m will either need a pier in the centre to strengthen it , or for large pits , it may be better to build in 225m hollow concrete blocks : they 're heavy , and very unloved by the professionals , who are n't expected to lay many per hour .
7 But in order to gain compensation , the child would still have to show that its defects were caused by in vitro fertilisation , and this may be impossible to do in practice .
8 In many cases it may be impossible to predict with certainty whether or not a particular clause will be effective .
9 A FOREIGN module is basically a module header , which points to other files that may not themselves be readable and may be impossible to store as source modules in LIFESPAN .
10 If untraceable shareholders are not a significant problem , it may be possible to dispense with advertisements .
11 To assess the relative numbers of thesis citations to publication citations , it may be possible to extrapolate from Haner 's study of government information contained in seven core journals in American geology .
12 In extreme situations , it may be necessary to resort to arbitration .
13 It may be necessary to stop at intervals to go over certain key points in order to check on the degree of understanding , or to reinforce a point while it is fresh in the memory .
14 Approval is required from the water authority to use soakaways and before acceptance it may be necessary to prove by absorption tests that ground conditions are satisfactory .
15 Right from the beginning of that terrible saga , I have been absolutely determined that the United Nations and any other body that it may be necessary to involve in order to get to the bottom of this and to resolve matters for the people of East Timor — they have gone on since 1975 — should have our support .
16 In some cases it may be necessary to apply for time limits to be abridged .
17 Beyond this , it may be necessary to look at family and other causative factors of which the child may be unconscious .
18 Neither nor shall be obliged to bring proceedings against any such infringer but if , subject as provided in clause 9.1 , either party shall bring such proceedings the other agrees to execute such documents and do such things as may be necessary to assist in connection with such proceedings .
19 Guinness may be easy to find in Indonesia today — but two decades ago it was a different story .
20 This is one reason why TV buyers may wish to keep part of their budgets flexible beyond the time when they might usually prefer to commit themselves — they may , of course , find that they can not buy the time they want , but this is a risk they may be willing to take in order to get a better price .
21 B may be willing to cooperate in return for an inducement offered by A .
22 Sceptics may be willing to concede on bees and lighthouses — and on many other examples hitherto thought to be market failures — but the case of clean air remains awkward .
23 Blocking Mr Kohl 's legislation may be hard to organise in practice .
24 Additionally , some regions of the genome may be hard to clone by virtue of their DNA sequences ( 8 ) .
25 Epictetus said , ‘ This is what I wish to be engaged in when death finds me , so that I may be able to say to God , ‘ Have I in any respect transgressed Thy commands ?
26 He may be able to sue for conversion , but that is a different matter .
27 Well this is , this is why I think may be able to go to French
28 A business that depends on its trained work force may be able to take on board those extra restrictions on profitability .
29 Both are always ready to give visitors the benefit of their experience and advice ; and , at times , they may be able to arrange for newcomers to fish Loch Brora in company with a local angler .
30 The most severely-handicapped may be able to benefit from pictures and music , if they are given access to them .
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