Example sentences of "may [be] made [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Small repairs may be made to a damaged surface by flooding the affected area with molten asphalt after the defective section has been cut out .
2 Reference may be made to the following and to the papers cited under sections dealing with the skeletomuscular systems in the main regions of the body .
3 no amendment which would be to the advantage of participants may be made to the following without the prior consent of the Company in General Meeting :
4 And overtures may be made to the visiting New Zealand Under-21 News side to also bring their game forward to make it a big evening double-header .
5 If a client objects to the bill submitted by the solicitor in a contentious matter an application may be made to the High Court for an order for taxation of the bill .
6 Reference may be made to the National Code of Local Government Conduct , para. 3 ( Appendix D , post , p. 105 ) although it has to be said that that paragraph is not , in the author 's view , well drafted since it fails to indicate with sufficient clarity the difference between disclosing personal pecuniary interests ( failure to comply being a serious criminal offence ) and disclosing other interests ( which is simply a matter of prudence , but involves no breach of law ) .
7 Complaint may be made to the local authority environmental health department whose responsibility it is under s.91 of the Public Health Act 1936 to inspect their areas for the detection of nuisance and institute formal proceedings either summarily or in the High Court , where , in their opinion , the odour complained of amounts to a statutory nuisance within s.92 of that Act .
8 Where there is an urgent need to protect a child an ex parte application may be made for the following orders : ( a ) an emergency protection order ; ( b ) a prohibited steps or a specific issue order under s8 ; ( c ) a recovery order ; ( d ) a warrant under s48(9) ( police assistance in the execution of an EPO ) .
9 Leaving the track a pathless beeline may be made for the lower end of the trees , there ascending a short way to find Yordas Cave .
10 The diagnosis may be made with a high degree of accuracy from the clinical appearance of the lesions , and this can be confirmed by growing the virus in the laboratory on developing hens ' eggs .
11 These claims , for accounting periods beginning on or after 2 October 1992 , may be made on a quarterly basis similar to that currently used in accounting for franked payments/ — investment income and interest paid/received under deduction of income tax .
12 Disclosure of transactions with an individual related party may be made on an aggregate basis unless disclosure of an individual transaction is necessary for proper understanding .
13 Application for payment out may be made on the return day , or it may be made earlier by application on notice .
14 Elimination may be made on the following basis .
15 In the circumstances , however , the period of remand should clearly be as short as possible so that an early decision may be made on the full evidence .
16 Mention , if no more than mention , may be made of the following .
17 Much the same point may be made about the representative assemblies of advanced capitalism .
18 The same point may be made about the revolutionary intelligentsia in general .
19 Precisely the same comments may be made about the pertinent books in the Victoria County History series .
20 A + mistake may be made at a single point or a length of DNA may become temporarily dislocated and be reinserted in the wrong place .
21 OK so the occasional ( ! ) taunt may be made at a footy game but it IS a football match after all and not a place for the fainthearted .
22 External factors may be blamed for the general depression of mood and blamed for various damaging consequences but no connection may be made between the depressed mood and damaging consequences and the continuing use of the substance or behaviour of addiction .
23 The parties therefore need to have agreed that , where they can not agree on the identity of an expert , the appointment may be made by a third party .
24 Complaint may be made by an individual or by a body of persons , for example a residents association and should be directed in writing to an M.P .
25 Application for an IVA may be made by an undischarged bankrupt or , more likely , by a person who , being insolvent , would be able to petition for his or her own bankruptcy .
26 If the lease concerned was one of up to 50 years , and the premium was assessable on the vendor under the Sch A provisions within ss 34–39 , ICTA 1988 , then an equivalent tax claim may be made by the ultimate lessee company within s 87(9) , ICTA 1988 .
27 Again , applications may be made by the nearest relative or an approved social worker and two medical recommendations are required .
28 They may then be rolled onto a simple reel , which may be made from a 5 — gallon oil drum , and are ready for next year .
29 Each variety has its own different characteristics — a wine may be made from a single type or , as in the case of claret , a careful blend of two or three .
30 The AWB also controls the length of the working week and the allowances that may be made in the weekly wage for various payments in kind .
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