Example sentences of "may [be] find [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Matrices similar to those found for may be found for the compliances , using the Reuss summation over all orientations .
2 The answer may be found through an examination of trends in land use .
3 In recent years , I have preferred launching my attack from the bank , rather than from the boat ; and even in high winds , when most of the loch is churned up , clear patches of water may be found along the lee shore .
4 A very simple and beautiful example of the use of substitution notes may be found at the beginning of Wagner 's Tristan und Isolde : Here the commonplace cadence A minor-F7-E7 is given a subtle mystery through the use of a few substitution notes as follows : in bar 2 , G is a chromatic substitution for A ( on which it resolves ) , while B is a diatonic substitution for A or C , on which it does not resolve ; in bar 3 , A substitutes chromatically for B , on which it resolves .
5 Pubic lice are usually confined to the pubic and anal areas , although , in very hairy people , they may be found on the chest and in the axillary hair .
6 Further details of services , other events , and church officers may be found on the church notice boards and in the monthly " Church News Letter " available from the churches .
7 This right he can enforce not only by action , but also by a form of self-help known as distress , the seizure of any goods , whether belonging to the tenant or a stranger , which may be found on the premises .
8 Dr John Randall states that Laboute 's Fairy Wrasse may be found within a depth range of between 8 and 55 metres .
9 In all ‘ honest and reflecting minds ’ , there was ‘ a conviction , daily strengthened by experience , that the name of effecting every improvement which the constitution requires may be found within the constitution itself ’ ( Macaulay , 1861 : ii .
10 Where the Act does apply it seeks to regulate all the different types of exclusion clause which may be found in a contract .
11 How is it possible to list exhaustively all linguistic features that may be found in a text ?
12 A representative attitude may be found in a letter to the Daily Mail in April , 1982 , here abridged :
13 Help may be found in a number of places , the most generally useful probably being in Appendix Eight to McKerrow 's An Introduction to Bibliography where he analyses with admirable clarity , and with illustrations of all the minuscules and capitals , a letter written by Thomas Kyd , the Elizabethan dramatist , to Sir John Puckering , Lord Keeper of the Great Seal .
14 Sophisticated versions may be found in a number of workshop items , particularly Kerman and Quoom , but perhaps its finest and most definitive expression is encountered in the more primitive rugs of the Bakhtiari tribe .
15 Thus , the degree of supraorbital development which serves in Europeans to identify males , may be found in a number of females among Australian aborigines .
16 Fossil plants are of great use in plotting the many shifts of climate that happened during the Tertiary : a humid-tropical flora may be found in what is now an arid region , or a warm-climate flora may be found in an area that is now decidedly cool .
17 Additional details of other entries that may be found in the certificate ( eg notices ) are set out later in this chapter .
18 The technique of cookery is contained in cookery books and the technique of discovery in natural science may be found in the rules of research , observation and verification .
19 Further offences of endangerment may be found in the Firearms Act 1968 .
20 Support for these propositions may be found in the case of Re B .
21 Thus the pilots may be found in the Engines Section absorbing the means whereby the aviation spirit and flames arrive at the right place at the right time to produce the urge for forward movement , or they could be watching in some fascination an array of lights and switches on a array known as ‘ electrics ’ which behave themselves so well under the persuasion of the engines instructor , but which flash and fail to respond in such heart-breaking fashion when the student is urged to demonstrate that he has ‘ got ’ it .
22 New research by C. M. Habibullah and researchers in the Gastroenterology Unit of Osmania University in Hyderabad , India , suggests that the answer may be found in the patient 's fingerprints !
23 There are , of course , many schools other than those listed in the appendix , and also a great many private coaches , all of whom may be found in the publication Contacts , a trade book everyone interested in joining the profession should obtain from the office of The Spotlight , 42–43 Cranbourn St , London WC2H 7AP .
24 Clues as to why may be found in the factor analysis of their attitudes towards SSE as a general notion ( that is not specifically linked to the LEA scheme ) .
25 Little help for either view may be found in the accounts of the life of Fahreddin Acemi in the early sources , however , for particularly in regard to the critical period after the death of Molla Fenari they give little information .
26 One answer to this problem may be found in the documents which record the surrender of their freedom by substantial peasant landholders in the eleventh century : the landlords bought their subjection for a substantial grant of land ; in return , by becoming serfs , the peasants agreed never to leave their plot of land .
27 A fuller treatment of the principles applicable to the interpretation of contracts may be found in The Interpretation of Contracts ( Sweet and Maxwell , 1989 ) by the author .
28 An illustrative case may be found in the work and practical impact of William Morris , who sought not only to recognize but also to ameliorate the social and aesthetic impact of the machine , partly under the influence of socialist ideas .
29 Tables in the text that are number A.1 to A.13 may be found in the Appendix .
30 A second factor may be found in the nature of particle movement within waves when they run into shallow water .
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