Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [noun sg] in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) Private Bills Anyone may initiate legislation in Parliament by means of a Private Bill .
2 If you look in your autoexec.bat or config.sys files you may see REM in front of a sentence or command line .
3 A participant , if it wishes , may provide currency in excess of the obligatory limit .
4 Furthermore , whilst the audited accounts may provide comfort in relation to the overall financial position of the Business , the Purchaser needs to be able to rely on the past records of the business for all sorts of other reasons — e.g. past levels of turnover , proper recording of information , etc .
5 If the costs are not paid then , except where a defence to costs has been filed , the plaintiff may enter judgment in default for them .
6 At present , there is not easy way of predicting who may produce gas in response to which foods , and this is a matter for trial and error .
7 Predators may select prey in order of abundance , as does the barn owl , for instance , in which case they preserve the original pattern of equitability , or they may select less abundant prey preferentially , as do most mustelids , in which case they change it .
8 While assignment may go hand in hand with such assertoric force in positive statements , it clearly does not do so in questions , nor in subordinate clauses like that in : ( 34 ) I wonder if the taps were turned off Questions and such subordinate clauses show clearly that an idea of completeness which is independent of that of assertion is necessary .
9 Others may obtain approval in advance for training in unusual specialties where no formal JCHMT programme exists .
10 The judge 's decision may establish certainty in respect to S&M activities , but it adds another layer of inconsistency to the law 's view of consensual assaults .
11 Clearly , the existence of timber decay is likely to be related to other shortcomings in the condition of the building and these faults may require rectification in addition to treatment of the timber .
12 The horse may suffer anxiety in relation to one specific part of its life : shoeing , trailering , saddling , mounting , and so oh , but if it has been hurt in a number of situations , it is likely to learn to be anxious in relation to anything to do with people .
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