Example sentences of "may [be] seen [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The banks and cuttings have been left ‘ wild ’ for so long that they are rich in plant life with tremendous variation which is reflected in the 60 different bird species that may be seen along the line .
2 This grading of the offences may be seen as a compromise between the compassionate elements in the offences , which are related to the right to self-determination , and the need to protect the vulnerable from persuasion on such a crucial matter as the ending of life , an argument also derived from the right to self-determination .
3 An engineer may be seen as a threat to society when designing a plant which generates toxic waste , but to be protecting society if working on a flood prevention scheme .
4 The new system may be seen as a threat to status and job .
5 This may be seen as a measure of the extent to which opportunities for successful study are being provided for students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving this success .
6 It may be seen as a ruse by the parasite to avoid adverse climatic conditions for its progeny by remaining sexually immature in the host until more favourable conditions return .
7 Ultimately death itself may be seen as a release .
8 But the North of England , midway between the nation state and its local fractions , may be seen as a unit seriously equipped for self-sufficiency .
9 The unequal distribution of such prestigious goods found in the cemeteries may be seen as a reflection of hierarchies in early Anglo-Saxon England and how the maintenance of such hierarchies was closely bound up with the consumption of such valuables .
10 The succession from Bevan to Michael Foot ( Nye 's biographer and Neil 's patron ) to Kinnock may be seen as a progress from genius to talent to mediocrity .
11 Thus , the combination of the anti-Zionist conspiracy theory with pro-Palestinian rhetoric and an absence of crude , anti-black rhetoric may be seen as a tactic designed to qualify for Libyan funds .
12 For example , government provision of housing may be seen as a response to the inadequacies of the market as a provider of houses , but it has also transformed the character of that market .
13 Their appeals to the morality and mystery of their work in an attempt to establish a charismatic authority may be seen as a defence of their status since , as Paterson 's discussion of judges reminds us , there are social strata above the professions .
14 First , the ‘ working class ’ in Britain may be seen as a subset of the economically defined working class ( i.e. wage and salary earning employees separated from the means of production ) , although it probably also includes sections of the petty bourgeoisie ( in the strict sense of small-scale producers and traders employing their own means of production and labour power ) who regard themselves as ‘ working for a living ’ .
15 Peter Laslett has suggested that the illegitimate fertility rate may be seen as a subset of general fertility .
16 First , launch aid may be seen as a pre-commitment by European governments not to allow Airbus to be bullied out of the industry .
17 The improvement in information technology with the efficiency gains involved may be seen as a strategy which makes the Authority more attractive to a potential profit seeking buyer or as a strategy which enables the Authority to defend its current place in the state sector .
18 This may be seen as a move to make international law into proper law , or at least international law with one of its essential purposes , the control of force , and , of course , there have long been laws to restrict the type and degree of force used even in legitimate war , and some restrictions on the very legality of wars , for instance when they are in contravention of treaties .
19 This offence may be seen as a crime both against property and the person .
20 What is a development for one may be seen as a decline , a retrograde step , or sheer decadence by the other .
21 Alternatively , if the employee receives promotion after refusing a transfer , this may be seen as a precedent by other staff when their turn comes to be asked to move .
22 In this ‘ evangelism equals church planting ’ model , the priority may be seen as a desire to make sure every community throughout the earth is covered by a church that is alive and preaching the good news of Jesus Christ .
23 Music 's place in our services may be seen as a gift of God which he uses to reveal something of himself to us .
24 The growth in industrial production may be seen as a proxy for the real growth in cash flows from an investment in a financial asset .
25 In the prevailing exclusionist literature , which is controlled by the professionally intelligent , the attitude that what professionals define as ‘ intelligence ’ does not matter , and that their child 's humanity does , may be seen as a symptom of pathology as severe as ( and similar to ) a child 's intellectual disabilities .
26 In this light , the attempts by CMHTs to develop realistic operational objectives may be seen as a process by which the respective priorities and range of expectations of the agencies providing community support services are more clearly specified .
27 Or it may be seen as a process — the act of ‘ authoritatively allocating values ’ .
28 Just as CD-A provides a means of collecting sound recordings of incomparable and permanent quality , videodisc may be seen as a means of acquiring a similarly high quality collection of movies and television programmes .
29 It may be seen as a challenge to the dominance of bureaucrats and professionals characteristic of both statutory agencies and the more traditional voluntary organisations .
30 ’ Thus , Leapor 's poem may be seen as a comment on the ideology of land use in her time .
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