Example sentences of "may [be] [verb] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , s14(4) of SGA 1979 , which is replicated in other supply contracts ( s10(4) of SOGIT 1973 as substituted by the CCA 1974 and ss4(7) , 9(7) of SGSA 1982 ) , provides , " An implied condition or warranty as to quality or fitness for a particular purpose may be annexed to a contract of sale by usage " .
2 No other warranties or conditions to such effect may be implied except insofar as they may be annexed to the contract by custom or trade usage ( s14(4) of SGA 1979 , ss4(7) , 9(7) of SGSA 1982 ) .
3 As an exception to this rule , secured or unsecured loans or credits may be granted to a customer by the firm to fund a margin requirement provided that a credit assessment is made of the customer by an employee of the firm who is independent of the trading or marketing functions of the firm ( eg the compliance officer ) , and the maximum amount of the loan or credit to be granted has been notified to the customer and , in respect of a private customer , has been set out in writing and agreed by the customer in accordance with Rule 5 – 27 ( customer borrowing ) .
4 R.16(1) provides that recognition may be granted to a company where the Council is satisfied as to certain matters .
5 A provisional licence may be granted to the holder of any form of licence .
6 This log file exists for each module name and may be formatted to a file in the users directory .
7 External views may be presented to the user through the use of host language programs or a query language but they may also be obtained through a dialogue , which approaches a natural language dialogue , or via a menu .
8 Section 124 of the Insolvency Act provides that a winding up petition may be presented to the court by :
9 If there is a serious possibility that the debtor 's property or the value thereof will be significantly diminished during the three week period after service of a statutory demand , a petition may be presented to the court before the end of the three week period ( s 270 ) .
10 A debtor 's petition may be presented to the court on the ground that the debtor is unable to pay his debts and must be accompanied by a statement of his affairs in the prescribed form ( Form 6.28 in Sched. 4 to the rules ) .
11 Bobby Robson , the England manager , who had spent the weekend pondering the merits of possible deputies for his club colleague Neil Webb , a long-term casualty , expressed ‘ surprise and delight ’ at the news that England midfield disruption may be kept to a minimum .
12 Your query may be referred to a specialist SCOTVEC officer or it might be suggested that an external verifier should visit you .
13 Those sending in inadequate documentation may be referred to a solicitor on the Interview Panel before the matter proceeds further .
14 You may be referred to a hospital specialist .
15 Or you may be referred to a dietitian .
16 13.2.3 Subject as aforesaid , any refusal or unreasonable delay ( including but not by way of limitation , any delay beyond the date specified in the request ) in granting such consent may be referred to the Project Committee .
17 Experiments showed that , in fact , " facial vision " is nothing to do with touch or the front of the face , although the sensation may be referred to the front of the face , like the referred pain in a phantom ( severed ) limb .
18 Questions may be referred to the Bank 's Sanctions Emergency Unit :
19 Moreover , issues of law may be referred to the visitor which are wholly analogous to questions decided by the courts .
20 This may be because the complaint has political overtones ; ( b ) the authority can call in any complaint it wishes to supervise ; ( c ) any matter not subject to a complaint may be referred to the authority who may investigate it .
21 The level of detail may be compared to an encyclopaedia , with the entries arranged according to their content , rather than alphabetically .
22 The use of ‘ I ’ in soliloquy may be compared to the use of ‘ here ’ in soliloquy .
23 The combination of the narrator 's voice with features associated with the characters ' thought patterns may be compared to the use of free indirect thought in fictions in which the " voices ' of narrator and characters are blended , sometimes almost inextricably .
24 At this point mail may be sent to a number of users requesting they assess the module .
25 3 Ensure the patient has the following : appliances dressings drugs ( with written instructions if necessary ] completed forms/letters ( e.g. for district nurse ) appointment card ( this may be sent to the patient later ] .
26 All are welcome and written questions may be sent to the chairman of the local Council of Churches , the Rev. Ian Bowley , at 14 Princess Drive , Alton .
27 Highly radioactive used fuel rods from German research reactors may be sent to the Dounreay nuclear plant , in northern Scotland , for storage , according to a secret German government report obtained by anti-nuclear groups .
28 He also repeated an argument put forward several times recently by the Scottish Office that a farmer 's net income , which can include allowances for rent and depreciation , and where , for example , transport and housing costs may be apportioned to the business , can not be compared directly with the average UK wage .
29 Pets which are kept in school can reinforce this interest and there are many incidental mathematical experiences involved in their care — water containers may be filled and emptied , more water may be needed , or a certain number of leaves may be fed to the pet and so on .
30 We pray for the nations of the world ; O God , help us to lessen the tensions between nations , so that our many resources and gifts may be diverted to the alleviation of human suffering and injustice , and that we may be better stewards of Your many gifts to us .
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