Example sentences of "may [verb] [prep] an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps an immunologically vulnerable subset of inflammatory bowel disease patients , Crohn 's disease and ulcerative colitis alike , are prone to develop refractory pouchitis under the influence of certain mechanical , vascular , bacteriological or biochemical factors , or all four that may arise in an ileal reservoir .
2 For others , the feeling of being trapped may arise from an early blueprint drawn up when they were literally helpless and unable to do anything about an intolerable situation or to get out of it on their own .
3 The problems that may arise from an individual pupil 's needs must also be addressed , and possible solutions proffered .
4 The obligation may arise from an express term in the lease or may be implied by statute : e.g. the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 , ss. 11 and 12 , which require the landlord to repair the exterior and structure of premises , where the lease of a dwelling house is for less than seven years .
5 Also , the opponent may fall in an unexpected direction , so that you have to spin around and perhaps take a step to reach him .
6 To help us draw a line between the incidental transfer of information , and communication proper , we may appeal to an important idea of the philosopher Grice ( 1957 ) .
7 The findings show that EATCL may behave in an indolent fashion and masquerade as coeliac disease , delaying the correct diagnosis .
8 While the Arts Council may survive as an advisory body , the crucial question is whether it retains a funding role : ‘ The days of the arm 's length principle are gone .
9 This threat of takeover may act as an effective discipline in some cases , although it is hard to prove .
10 Transmitter substances appear also to be released at neuromuscular junctions : there is evidence that glutamate is responsible for transmitting excitation from nerves to muscle ( e.g. Beranek and Miller , 1969 ) and that GABA may act as an inhibitory transmitter at these sites .
11 One possible reason for the cure is that the alcohol may act as an anti-inflammatory agent , stopping symptoms like a runny nose .
12 Even where the lessor does have notice of the partnership , a failure to change the lessees may result in an apparent holding out of the outgoing partner as a continuing member of the firm , if the lessor has no other means of knowing of the change .
13 The widespread replacement of petrol-driven vehicles by electrically-powered ones may result in an overall increase in pollution , according to a study for the German government by the Institute for Environmental Protection and Energy Technology in Cologne .
14 Young argues that this may result in an upper stratum free from self-doubt and the restraining influence of humility .
15 Although this may seen like an idyllic setting , the fact that the panda 's natural habitat has been reduced to this area is enough cause for alarm .
16 The intention may appear from an express definition in different terms made for the purpose of a particular section or group of sections .
17 As Hyman ( 1984 , p.156 ) puts it , it is hardly surprising ‘ that those who exercise managerial authority typically resent this limitation on their autonomy , and are sometimes haunted by the fear that strikes may escalate into an explicit challenge to the minority control of industry , .
18 This may predispose to an increased risk of intracranial haemorrhage , necrotising enterocolitis , hypoxia and acidosis .
19 It may sound like an intermittent road drill combined with a jet plane .
20 In formulating the category ‘ artefact ’ , some notion of intention is also usually attributed to their creation ; for example , a gas cloud may emerge as an unpredicted by-product of a technological process , though this product of human labour is only marginally an artefact .
21 you may work for an overseas subsidiary of a UK company ;
22 It may look like an old garden shed , but according to the owners this is a historic building .
23 IT may look like an everyday scene from any hospital operating theatre but this medical team has an unusual extra member .
24 More recent histopathological and microvascular studies suggest that vascular involvement may occur at an earlier stage and play a more important role in the disease process than had previously been supposed .
25 In other cases in this category the earlier case , though not formally binding , was often followed in order to provide certainty and consistency in an area where commercial relations may depend on an accepted construction .
26 A proposed museum of modern art may move into an empty wing of the building if a consortium of local bankers are able to raise the necessary finance .
27 Section 80 is one of the provisions that a private company may relax by an elective resolution under section 379A .
28 Special tax rules may apply in an off-market purchase of shares in an unquoted company ( USM companies are treated as unquoted for these purposes ) which is a trading company or a holding company of a trading company .
29 Rarely , they may propagate in an oral direction .
30 This may vary from an identical response to a very different one .
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