Example sentences of "way [adv prt] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is a story with which all machine knitters are very familiar and although there are no magic wands there are many ways out of the hole that she feels she has dug herself into .
2 A recent report from the EOC found that ‘ overall the Youth Training Programme does little or nothing to widen girls ’ horizons or to provide ways out of the low-paid and dead-end jobs which are a feature of many women 's lives in Northern Ireland today ’ .
3 I counted on being able to dodge my way on to the ferry and I did n't think I would need any money once I got to France .
4 The feeling that something special was about to happen spilled over into an exhibition of appreciation then unparalleled on an English racecourse : the crowd applauded the rivals as they made their way on to the track and burst into cheering as they reached it .
5 The plane from Glasgow via Tiree duly sprayed its way in through the hail and the wind and a new set of passengers filed on .
6 A long white strip of cloth linked them all from hand a hand as they made their way down through the sleet and the open snowy fields .
7 EXCEPT where rocks are heavily cracked or fissured , it usually takes many years for water to find its way down through the soil and the unsaturated zone to the saturated zone of an aquifer .
8 In despair , I scrambled all the way down to the gully that falls directly from the col and tried to climb it quickly before the sun got up .
9 No but er I saw Heidi when I was on my way down to the grubber and Heidi had a slightly massive armful of chocolate , I was going what are you doing , she said I 've got ta go and make Sophie sick
10 The clerk waited till Ranulf returned and , when he did , they all made their way down to the ferry and across the Forth .
11 It 's a long way down to the water but I can see a fag packet bobbing along .
12 We 'll go the other way down to the superstore because there 's traffic lights down at the end of our road .
13 We drove all the way down in the snow but they caught us and said we could n't have them ; not surprisingly I suppose . ’
14 I got her all the way along to the lift and put her in it .
15 Rising slowly like an automaton , she made her way over to the counter and picked up the receiver .
16 They found some drinks , eventually , in a small beleaguered ante-room , where he fought his way through to the bar and acquired some fizzy orange .
17 What we did at that point , was to get together a task force of people to examine the idea and where it was going : the people doing the work and the people who were likely to understand the most likely market — put them together in one room to reason their way through to the fact that we really ought to drop the project .
18 Then the young man moved on , and Diane led the way through into the room that he 'd left .
19 Lucy crawled out of bed around lunchtime , found her way up to the shower while Josie could be heard moving around in the kitchen , and could n't resist leaving aside her own hard soap and supermarket shampoo in order to freeload a few squirts and squeezes of the gels , mousses and lotions that stood on the tiled windowsill .
20 We make our way up to the bar and find a double of our poison for our pains , courtesy of Mickey .
21 After a while , Niki worked his way up through the field until only Tambay and Prost were ahead of him ; then Prost had to abandon the race with a loose wheel , a stupid mechanical mistake , which put Niki on Tambay 's tail .
22 Stem growth originating from the root-stock below ground can be a problem because , by the time these shoots push their way up through the soil and show out , they are well advanced and reluctant to ‘ let go ’ — gloves are essential .
23 The store manager has worked his way up from the bottom and is now concerned with the financial side of operations .
24 But of course he was right about the trouser bit because Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face ; what he would n't admit to was that she brought in a lot of custom at the week-end , especially when there was a boat in and some of the sailors would make their way up from the quayside and spend freely on chocolate or toffee for their girls .
25 A few hours later it was a merry band that wended its way back to the hall and marked out sleeping spaces for the night .
26 One of the bottles made its way back to the Brewery and is now a feature of the Guinness museum .
27 I crawled in a fruitless search all the way back to the tree and then turned and crawled away again on a slightly different line , looking , looking , hope draining away yard by yard in progressive debility , resolution ebbing with failure .
28 As to Hugh , his complete disappearance could best be explained if he were still doggedly pursuing Marian through the deep tangles of the forest ; if he had lost track of her he would presumably find his way back to the highway and rejoin them later .
29 I had no way of telling what time it was , but surely it might soon be possible for me to escape from my desert island and make my way back to the cottage and a warm bed .
30 We 'd had dinner and were on our way back to the hotel when I told him I was going to go for a walk before going to bed .
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