Example sentences of "way [prep] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 could be seen as contrasting opposite ways of reacting to the modern era .
2 There are two alternative ways of reacting to the stylized facts outlined above .
3 However , as Fillmore ( 1975 ) notes , these have two kinds of referent : they can either refer to the entire span itself , as in ( 56 ) , or to a point within the relevant span , as in ( 57 ) : ( 56 ) Tomorrow is Wednesday ( 57 ) Dennis hit Murphy with a baseball bat yesterday Note that the deictic words yesterday , today and tomorrow pre-empt the calendrical or absolute ways of referring to the relevant days .
4 In prose writing , the discrepancy between identity of meaning and identity of sense is well exemplified in the device of so-called elegant variation : we have already noted , for instance p107 ) , Henry James 's use of non-synonymous expressions : " the poor young man " , " this personage " , etc , as ways of referring to the same person .
5 There are several ways of dealing with a hot , dry site .
6 We have a number of ways of dealing with the elderly in Western societies .
7 ‘ PROFIT , moreover , seeks to find better ways of dealing with the existing uncertainty , as well as ways of obtaining ultimate knowledge from seismic and well data . ’
8 Republic of Algeria radio reported on Aug. 7 that the Palestine National Council ( PNC , the Palestinian " parliament in exile " ) would convene in Algiers in September to " look into ways of dealing with the new peace initiative " .
9 I spent the rest of the evening pretending riveted attention on the discussion while all the time practising ways of looking at the two women without them catching me .
10 To believe the gospel , respond to Jesus or receive the Spirit are three ways of looking at the same thing ( 2 Cor. 11:4 ) .
11 Within the natural sciences there was little of that passionate and puzzled confrontation which occurs when there is a clash , not of different hypotheses , but of different ways of looking at the same problem , i.e. when one party proposes not merely a different answer , but one which the other party considers to be impermissible or ‘ unthinkable ’ .
12 ‘ You should know by your age , Lachlan , there 's more ways of getting to the other side of a mountain than by chewing through it .
13 A special committee , the resource allocation working party ( RAWP ) , was convened to establish ways of moving towards a fairer distribution system .
14 In the local elections of 1981 a number of Labour Party manifestos highlighted economic issues , and suggested ways of moving beyond the traditional approach to local economic strategies .
15 Jean Grimshaw looks at some of the ways in which feminists have tried to conceptualise what it is for a woman to be autonomous , and the relationship between these conceptions and philosophical ways of thinking about the human self .
16 In this paper , I want to look at one kind of way in which some feminists have tried to conceptualise what it is for a woman to be ‘ autonomous ’ , and at the implications this has for ways of thinking about the human self .
17 TRADITION ( SOCIAL ) — refers to the values , standards , beliefs , sentiments and , in general , the ways of thinking in a social group , which have been handed down from generation to generation .
18 The male-orientation of the deviancy literature is almost certain to have precluded the study of certain patterns of behaviour which constitute deviant ways of behaving for the female half of the population .
19 There must be many other ways of capitalizing in a creative way on the restrictions of being housebound .
20 And as family members we have seen and felt at close hand some of the most intense pains and also pleasures of later life : on the one hand , bereavement and loss , but on the other , the continued mastery of old skills , the creation of new pursuits and interests , the discovery of new friends and of new ways of contributing to the wider community .
21 Eventually , alternative ways of relating to the social fund were put forward and Council agreed on a policy of ‘ impartial advocacy ’ .
22 Listening to music and relaxing the muscles of the head and neck properly can be very effective ways of coping with a bad headache .
23 When two or more creatures that are unrelated all evolve similar ways of coping with a particular circumstance , this is called convergent evolution .
24 So the shore-line creatures adopt several different strategies for survival ; and animals from very different phyla — notably coelenterates , molluscs , crustaceans , and echinoderms — have found ( various ) ways of coping with the intertidal zones .
25 They were drastically reduced in 1985–86 because of overtime cuts forced upon the police by the local police authority as one of the ways of responding to the budgetary impact of rate capping .
26 The librarian had also found the committee helpful in a number of ways by going beyond the narrow terms of the funding itself .
27 The situation basically is that I am confident I can come to accommodation with Norfolk from my way of thinking as the neighbouring Highway Authority , those the people we 've got to er to make certain are on site , I 'm sure , I 'm confident enough to do that .
28 Major changes in the way we conceptualize Nature certainly took place at this time , but historians now suspect that the emergence of Darwin 's theory should not be treated as the only watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new .
29 Thirdly , the model suggests one way of accounting for the peculiar nature of mathematics , computing and language , as the disciplines which constitute our stances in and towards the world , and for the way they relate to other disciplines , both servicing them at a mundane level and pervading them at a profound level .
30 Buy BT as a way of plugging into the potential benefits of recovery — such as rising telephone call volumes — without taking undue risks .
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