Example sentences of "new [noun] [vb past] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The bargaining was affected both by the new opportunities opened up in the 1970s and by the growing risks attendant on the 1980s .
2 At first new communities grew up around the heavy industries of coal , steel and shipping .
3 If no such election is made , the profits of the firm must be taxed as if , on the departure of the outgoing partner , the existing business had closed and a new business started up by the continuing partners .
4 With the completion of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal in that year , and the refusal of the town of Bewdley to have anything to do with it , a new town shot up at the point where the canal joined the Severn .
5 The book claimed that cancer and other deformities were mistaken wills , were new organs to meet new needs dreamed up in the deep unconscious , and that therefore they should be treated not with surgery but with interest and affection — humanity was limiting its potential by cutting out the tumours , blasting the cells .
6 A new community grew up on the safer site at the top of the cliffs .
7 Breakthrough are a new charity set up after the death of Daily Express woman 's editor Jean Rook to provide funds for research into breast cancer in women .
8 The new frontiers opened up by the development of the sciences through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have taken them far beyond the model of the machine and revealed a far greater degree of randomness and unpredictability in the fundamental structure of the universe .
9 The self-regulatory code will be administered by a new authority set up within the DMA under an independent chairman and independent members .
10 France : new orders dried up as the long run of 63 reactors either built or under construction came to an end and the country grappled with the problem of an over-supply of electricity .
11 Huge cracks appeared in the social system and a new spirit welled up from the very core of the nation and flowed over everything .
12 Life on their farms was distinctly less attractive to the peasantry than conditions on monastic and boyar estates , let alone in the new territory opened up by the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan .
13 It estimates the number of jobs lost due to improved productivity through the use of microelectronics and then deducts from these losses an estimate of the jobs gained through increased competitiveness and new markets opened up through the use of microelectronics .
14 A new shadow sprang up on the hull , a dark wave , and then the light went out .
15 After acclamations before the Lateran Palace , like those that had already taken place in front of St Peter 's , the new pope went up to the principal part of the palace , called the Leonine presbyterium , and later celebrated with a banquet .
16 In 1988 , however , the MSC was disbanded as a separate , semi-autonomous organisation , and its functions were taken over by a new section set up within the Department of Employment , originally called the Training Agency but later renamed the Training , Enterprise and Education Division .
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