Example sentences of "very [adv] [vb pp] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Work is very rarely performed by a man without the aid of some machinery and correspondingly machines rarely function for very long without human intervention .
2 ‘ I have made a lot of good friends here and have been very warmly welcomed by a lot of people .
3 Despite being very nicely presented in a slip binder with well printed manuals , shame they did n't follow the ‘ industry standard ’ for size , the first thing the new user sees is a license agreement that effectively disclaims all responsibility for anything .
4 They are very nicely proportioned for a cottage .
5 It was very much done on a sort of personal basis , an individual basis , failing to look at any collective solutions to the many problems which women face .
6 When we 're researching our shows we explain the whole process very carefully to each woman who agrees to be interviewed ; they get paid for talking to us , they give feedback at all stages of the writing process — it 's very much done as a contract .
7 In that case the Court of Appeal was very much attracted by a reductio argument put forward on behalf of the defendant .
8 In the United States it not only triumphed rapidly , but was very soon turned into an ideology of militant capitalism .
9 The leasor 's father " … in his life tyme , did say that the making of a quintall of Copper did then stand but in 17s or 18s , and but of late years 25s , and yet ( in the present time ) it seemeth to be rated sometimes at 32s a Quintall , and now very lately charged with an encrease of 1s of every Quintall …
10 Regrettably we have come to the conclusion that whoever made the decision to refuse Mr Warner access at 4.45 pm was very probably motivated by a desire to have one last chance of interviewing the appellant in the absence of a solicitor .
11 Anna Kingsmill Vellacott 's education very nearly finished at an age when Ruth 's had not begun .
12 In some cultures the mourning period is very clearly established with a beginning phase where the bereaved will be looked after by their families ; and there is an equally important ending phase when the person is expected to stop grieving and get on with living .
13 But still it is very carefully structured with a setting verse , a narrative verse and finishing off with a reflective verse and 10 syllables in each line and Futility has the same feeling of careful planning and construction .
14 For example , the experimental style of psychology is very often treated as a precondition of effective theorising .
15 Treatment directed specially towards either stopping or reducing drinking on a long-term basis is very often thwarted by a patient 's denial of the extent of the problem or by lack of motivation to do anything about it .
16 When the requirement was originally written erm and agreed in nineteen eighty seven all of the nations decided that erm we required a short take off and landing capability and that was based on the sort of the then cold war situation where the prospects of runways and airfields being very severely damaged in a sort of central European type of scenario , and therefore the possibility that there might be only very small operating strips available from those runways and that was the basis for the particular length that was decided at the time .
17 The apartments themselves are very well furnished with a balcony , a fully equipped kitchenette , and private bathroom , each sleeping 2–4 people in a one-bedroomed apartment with sofa-beds in the lounge .
18 It also began to occur to her that he was very well dressed for a pickpocket — but no doubt the streets of central London provided rich pickings .
19 And then in nineteen forty two the secretary , the very well known for a number of reasons secretary of the Hosiery Workers , his name was , he was the J P and he was er er I would n't say he 's a a pillar of the Tory Party but he were n't far off , you , well he died .
20 Do n't use a varnish finish unless the door is very well protected by a porch and you are prepared for regular and frequent maintenance to keep it looking good .
21 On Monday I was very kindly invited to a dinner party given by Lord and Lady Hanson to celebrate the opening that morning of the new Radio Melody Station on FM104.9 , and for Mr and Mrs Frank Sinatra , at Santini 's Restaurant .
22 Mrs Britton very kindly put on a tea afterwards and Mrs Fawcett , that grand person from the old days , was very comforting .
23 She 's very proudly qualified as an aromatherapist .
24 The electronics have been very neatly incorporated inside a connector hood with a BNC socket for input lead connection .
25 Third , we will set down the perspective of the Left within the Labour Party — the party that has very belatedly come to an awareness of the significance of constitutional politics and of the need for change .
26 I do not think the compulsion to write about foreign places can be very closely compared to a painter 's sensuous delight in new light , new forms , new colours , Monet seeing the Cap d'Antibes in blue and rose , Turner seeing the bright watery Venetian light in Venice , Gauguin in Tahiti .
27 This very high participation rate was due to the fast turnover in membership , especially of the chairmen , who were very poorly paid in a time of rapid inflation .
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