Example sentences of "people [pron] have been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have discovered that the black people I have been working with in the inner cities proposed me for the award .
2 Similarly the extra health care needs of homeless people which have been documented in parts of London reflect local conditions and can not validly be applied to all areas .
3 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
4 All of a sudden they have become sympathetic to a work force , the very people who have been threatened with Government 's legislation on competitive tendering .
5 All that is true , but I do not say that young people who have been deprived in that way should go out and steal cars .
6 This country has a long tradition of accepting genuine political refugees , but there is no doubt that the fact that three quarters of all applications are made by people who have been living in this country for weeks , months and , in some cases , years , is tantamount to an abuse of the system .
7 But it is still a very large sum indeed , which may be viewed with some in credulity by the millions of lower paid people who have been hit by the Government 's attitudes on , for example , child benefits .
8 Around 400 people who have been treated for melanoma ( skin cancer ) will be asked to keep a radon-measuring device in their homes for a year as part of a £13,000 Bristol University project .
9 Intended primarily for people who have been engaged in development projects around the world .
10 In so doing they join that list of people who have been called upon over and over again to sit on public committees and advisory bodies .
11 The opposition , a diverse and mostly respectable group of people who have been clamouring for a bit of say in the new Kuwait , did not get even a token position .
12 In an article originally published in 1964 , Laing describes similar voyages into ‘ inner space ’ often recounted by people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenics .
13 The number of people who have been convicted of an offence and whose life stories were inspirations to others , or who have produced literature in , or after imprisonment is large . )
14 Vanguard ( October 1987 ) complained of ‘ a corrupt and Zionist dominated media ’ , thereby repeating the conspiracy theorists ' argument against ordinary people who have been blinded by Jewish opinion-makers .
15 However , neither the policy nor practice of the community placements of mentally handicapped people can develop intelligently without reference to the store of accumulated experience from local authority social services ' department records ; or the perspectives of the people who have been placed within unstaffed , community based housing .
16 The way the work-force has been treated over the last few years , the uncertainty that 's been created and the lack of consultation , the impact on their lives of such a closure on people who have been expecting to be there until they retire — their jobs may well go , and the impact on that , both for their own lives as well as their families .
17 Yes , but I mean erm excuse me erm there are a lot of people who have been saying for a long time , the council are dragging their heels and they 're not doing anything .
18 It is important that fieldwork should be properly supervised and that is why all professional research agencies get their field supervisors to make check calls on people who have been included in a sample and why fieldworkers should always have someone to turn to if they have any doubts or are in any difficulties .
19 Much will depend on how it seeks to solve the long-running debate about merging income tax and the national insurance system ; whether benefits , including pensions , are to be universal or selective ; and , if selective , how the state is to deal with obligations to people who have been contributing for many years to what they were told was national insurance .
20 The ‘ Care in the Community ’ initiative sought to extend this cooperation to help people who have been hospitalized for long periods .
21 People who have been conditioned to this kind of reading pattern and who still have the habit of frequenting their local library require similar fare there .
22 We attempt to assist , however , and the total number of people who have been helped through our sheltered employment programme has increased substantially during the past 10 years .
23 The number of people who have been helped through assessment and rehabilitation centres has also risen and expenditure on special assistance schemes has increased substantially .
24 It is little wonder that fundamentalist sects have a field day welcoming in disillusioned people who have been put off Christianity by forms of Anglicanism which offer so little and demand nothing .
25 The bond that accompanies sexual pairing is real and strong and when two people who have been bonded in this way break up , one at least may feel great grief and hurt .
26 One must pay tribute to her dedication , and the gratitude of all connected with the Club , past , present and future is her due for the patient hours she has obviously spent in researching club records , the Henley Standard and personal reminiscences of many people who have been associated with the Club 's story .
27 These are people who have been restored to membership after a lapse of some years .
28 And now we have another er , sub-crop of people who have been discharged into community care from mental hospitals ,
29 He said : ’ there is no statistical evidence that is known to me at the present time of people who are actually being discharged from the private sector We do not have evidence to bring to you of a substantial number of people who have been discharged against their will from the private sector . ’
30 Most people who have been seasoned by these violent irruptions stay indoors , where they hold typhoon parties , or watch the progress of the storm on the television .
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