Example sentences of "also be [vb pp] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And if ion-winds can also be detected from the stars , their vastly greater distances should give even higher magnifications .
2 Similarly , the operand must also be separated from the instruction by a space .
3 The chapel is mid-sixteenth-century and can also be reached from the Largo Richini .
4 At this stage , it is uncertain whether Phase 2 of the project , towards the Feeder Road side of Bristol , will also be operated from the gorge shaft .
5 Some wry amusement at the choice of weapon could also be extracted from the folio Bible with which , according to Anthony Trollope in his Autobiography , his father used to fell him whenever he had been idle .
6 File-based links can also be developed from the Library 's taxonomic indexes to the plant records system .
7 The appeal of liturgical monastic religion can also be seen from the fact that when Ethelwold in the 960s expelled the married clergy from the church of Winchester in favour of celibate monks , three of the former clergy , Eadsige , Wulfige , and Wilstan , returned as celibates to the new communal life .
8 It can also be seen from the results that as the level of processing increases , the ability to recognise a word correctly increasingly exceeds the ability to recognise words that do not fulfill the task .
9 Tickets can also be obtained from the Ski Club Meltdown office at 77 Church Road , Hove , East Sussex , BN3 2BB .
10 Tickets for performances at Banbury may also be obtained from The Mill Theatre , Spiceball Park , Banbury .
11 Information may also be obtained from the Passport Office .
12 Information may also be obtained from the Passport Office .
13 Information and leaflets can also be obtained from the association secretary , Judith Gerry , on 0252 622520 .
14 Formal consent must also be sought from the Reporter to the Children 's Panel if we propose to share certain information provided by the Reporter .
15 Interest may also be added from the date the debt became due .
16 It may also be inferred from the relations between the parties .
17 The secondary inductance can also be deduced from the balance condition ( 7.18 ) .
18 But such a form can also be anticipated from the pattern of deposition of tephra as an ash cloud spreads out from the summit crater during an eruption over a wedge-shaped sector of the cone , the rate of ash fall-out being the reciprocal of the distance from the vent .
19 Support for that proposition can also be derived from the case of Re Sherry [ 1913 ] 2 Ch 508 at 512 .
20 A nominal diameter may also be derived from the volume of the pebble .
21 The shear modulus can also be derived from the data , being inversely proportional to the square of the period , where K is a factor depending on the shape and the size of the sample and I is the polar moment of inertia .
22 Evidence on the risk for one organ , the thyroid gland , can also be derived from the occurrence of cancers on this gland in populations of two Pacific islands , who were exposed to irradiation and radioiodine concentration in the gland from fallout from a weapon test in 1954 .
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