Example sentences of "people [vb base] [adv prt] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Manufacturers are struggling , but our sales are buoyant as people hold on to old cars , ’ Holmes says .
2 It is ridiculous that people wait up to three years until a decision is reached .
3 Compared to our competitors , not enough of our young people stay on to post-compulsory education .
4 A fast-growing proportion of young people go on to higher education ; and we want to see that proportion rise still further .
5 As people go back to normal life , we 're left with the consequences .
6 After spending some time , often years , with us , people move on to other things and we need to fill the gaps . ’
7 the navy 's a continual goodbye , people move on to different shore establishments ,
8 All the other people come over to this country anyway .
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