Example sentences of "also [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Men also gain from the unequal division of labour within the home , in which women do more than their fair share of housework .
2 Apart from Sir Humphrey , his sons Robert and Edward also sit on the main board .
3 In fact , since free fighting changes all the time to meet new circumstances and requirements , the stances also change at a rapid pace .
4 It is beyond dispute that they also account for a large number of tiny rabbits that are born in breeding chambers within burrow systems .
5 They also insist on a high level of quality — the fact that clothing from Benjamin Simon 's Lees factory is sold in Dior 's Paris flagship store is proof that their quality control works .
6 Furthermore , systems based on semantic primitives also suffer from the usual acquisition problem .
7 We also advertise in the leading Oxon newspapers and the lists can be obtained at all ADKIN offices
8 Just the same refuges of the elderly also appear in the Social Survey of Merseyside of 1934 , where they made up a third of the tenants of the largest multiple households .
9 The ancient winged insects — cockroaches , cicadas , crickets and dragonflies — also grow in a similar way , their early forms closely resembling the adults except that they lack wings .
10 Erm , he did have the right to that trial for erm what the previous offence before taking conveyance which was a clock taken without the owner 's consent and previous offence before that taking but in order to reduce costs right mainly because they also want at the same time to remove the right for theft ah and they failed .
11 They also descend into the deeper caverns to search for the wild and exotic funguses which they use to make powerful magic potions .
12 Many marine organisms time their reproduction by the moon , and some land organisms also breed by the lunar cycle , particularly those living in equatorial regions where day length is virtually constant and so can not be used as a guide .
13 Constitutional changes also figure in the public choice programme of reform in order to reduce the power of demand groups , thereby making it more difficult for bureaucrats to oversupply public goods .
14 Is not it significant that the 10 authorities with the worst staying-on rates are all Labour controlled and that many of them also figure among the 20 authorities whose students have the worst GCSE results ?
15 The particulars in fact also act as a ready reference in certain respects .
16 The eye must be clean and moist , maintained in this state by the interaction of the tear gland and movable eyelids , whose eyelashes also act as a crude filter against the sun .
17 They also act as an important catalyst for ‘ team-building ’ for Departments .
18 Members of the scheme also benefit from a third party insurance , for a premium of £2 a year .
19 And parents also benefit from the much-needed peace and quiet a really gripping book can provide .
20 But do the minnow eggs also benefit from the male perch 's fanning of the nest ?
21 They also benefit from the higher degree of social solidarity which seems to accompany more pluralistic systems .
22 His theory also underwrites the commonsense view that other mammals , at least , also benefit from the priceless gift of consciousness .
23 This problem is amplified if other financial instruments also expire at the same time .
24 These books also extend beyond a biographical compass of the history , by examining the development of insecurities in society , like as in the future of civilian .
25 Professional advisers from different local education authorities also meet on a voluntary basis principally through the National Association of Language Advisers , and the parallel organisation which serves advisers for Multicultural Education .
26 Prime Minister : Davíd Oddson ( IP ) ; also Minister at the Statistical Bureau of Iceland .
27 But if you look at the low-risk a aspect of a P E P and you also look at the low charges , it 's got to be worth looking at , and certainly in terms of spread for Miss , worth erm worth considering , I mean she 'd be er a perfect investor for that .
28 The house has two good sized reception rooms on the ground floor with a kitchen extension just behind the first floor we have the bathroom , the rear elevation and two bedrooms also access to the third bedroom which has been converted from the attic .
29 They witness to a process of realisation of the confusion , frustration , failure and partiality at the heart of even the best of human experience , let alone the worst , which makes them essentially accessible to all ; but they also witness to an awakening understanding of the fact that these are the very means of the experience of transformation .
30 okay , you also know about the editorial control of newspapers do you ?
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