Example sentences of "also [vb past] for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He also asked for a similar offence to be taken into consideration .
2 Later she also campaigned for a better understanding of anorexia .
3 The British radicals , including the Chartists , who campaigned for a democratic franchise in the early nineteenth century also campaigned for a free press , by which they meant one unhampered by government censorship and taxes .
4 Claiborne Pell , chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee , also called for a neutral government in Kabul to hold elections or seek a traditional Afghan consultative assembly .
5 The agreement also called for a strict implementation of the Peshawar Accord .
6 Sympathetic to Germany , hostile to the entente with France , and unmoved by Belgium 's plight , he campaigned for neutrality in 1914 , and , as soon as this effort failed , launched the Union of Democratic Control , which opposed annexationist war aims and later also called for a negotiated peace .
7 He also called for a full investigation into Orkney 's Social Work Department , and the RSSPCC whose involvement was turning out to be very much more fundamental than had at first been supposed .
8 For instance , demand management might require that government spending should be held at a high level to keep the economy at full pressure , while Labour 's plans also called for a high level of State spending .
9 We also looked for a geographical spread of writers .
10 As well as arguing for a more liberal attitude towards the child , Locke also pleaded for a broader curriculum .
11 The union also voted for a further strike ballot on the new contracts .
12 Legislative power is vested in a single-chamber National Assembly of 175 members , also elected for a five-year term .
13 Legislative power is vested in the 180-member National Assembly , also elected for a five-year term .
14 They also depended for a large part of their work on clawing money out of the social security system and on getting alongside other centrally funded bodies such as housing associations .
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