Example sentences of "also [vb past] [adv] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lyell made people aware by the 1830s of the great age of the Earth , and he also divided up the Tertiary period , using a statistical method based upon the proportions of existing species found among the fossils .
2 It also laid down the constitutional right for anyone who passed the Abitur — the German equivalent of A levels — to study at university .
3 He also read carefully the famous book of Pope Gregory the Great , from the sixth century , on the pastoral office in the Church .
4 McMahon was involved in the build-up to three of the four goals and also came out a clear winner in what was , at times , a bad-tempered midfield confrontation with Batty and McAllister .
5 The fenestral discovery , incidentally , also filled in a missing link to provide a 300 million year sequence of fossils showing a smooth evolution from reptiles to mammals .
6 He also filled in the usual trader 's form offering to sell the car to the finance company and sent both forms off to the finance company .
7 He also handed over a magnificent library which is now the Bibliothèque d'art et d'archéologie .
8 The Committee also handed out a four-week suspension to Bruce Dowling , the jump jockey , for forging a doctor 's signature .
9 We also showed how the indiscriminate use of praise is a poor substitute for positive and specific feedback .
10 I also tracked down the first lieutenant of the submarine and one of the two soldiers carried on board and they confirmed the killings .
11 Nafissa Lalliam was replaced as Health Minister by Mohammed Salah Mentouri , who also took over the Social Affairs portfolio but another woman , Anissa Benameur entered the Cabinet as Minister for Vocational Training and Employment , replacing Mohammed Bonmahrat .
12 Torres also took on the Foreign Affairs portfolio , Vice-Adml. ( retd ) Raúl Sánchez Sotomayor being unexpectedly dropped from the Cabinet .
13 Ward had his camera with him , and though he led me round at a breathless pace , talking all the time about the terrible religious cult of the Aztecs , he also took quite a few pictures , usually with myself or some other human in the foreground to give an indication of the scale of the place .
14 The friends also took out a half-page advertisement in the programme to wish Andy good luck and were able to pick the man of the match .
15 It also sorted out a personalised shirt .
16 Therein also lay perhaps the supposed profits of the gentry in the neighbourhood of Droitwich , which also devoured timber , ‘ for the makyng of salt is a great and notable destruction of wood ’ : 6,000 loads annually , mostly young growth , was the local estimate .
17 She also kept up a vigorous campaign against the expansion of Geale 's fish and chip restaurant near her house : she said the smells made her garden unusable .
18 Tufnell also sent down a miserly spell .
19 She knew where the track was and she also knew where the main road joined it .
20 He reiterated the major points made in his ‘ Notes of An Economist ’ — of which more later — but also sketched out the political implications of his earlier essay .
21 I also put on the real Sperzel locking tuning pegs as opposed to the fake ones that Fender are making now .
22 He also put out a city-wide A.P.B .
23 We also put together a two day programme , hosted by key NGOs , to show Ms de Jonghe some of the major EC related environmental issues affecting Wales .
24 Loughborough also put together the electronic gear to record a trace of the heartbeat , not only in the lab but by remote control while the volunteer was walking the outdoor test circuit .
25 The publication also highlighted how the various options for reform would affect Lothian .
26 The defendant in Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( 1983 D.C. ) was a shoe repairer who also carried on a secondary business as seller of second-hand goods .
27 He also carried out a small enquiry of his own .
28 Barbara not only acted as secretary to a succession of senior managers including Harold Worland and Raymond Anderson , she also carried out the secretarial work for the Board for many years .
29 She also had quite a few things two small Picassos and a picture by Robert Delaunay called ‘ The window ’ that Taírov was given when they were in Paris on tour together , and a very fine Yakulov .
30 It also had quite a large choir for so small a Church , a photo taken in the twenties showing the choir outside the old Church with Mrs Still 's husband and son .
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